Issue - meetings

Leisure and Culture Services 2008/09 Service Plans

Meeting: 25/03/2008 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 39)

39 Leisure and Culture Services 2008/09 Service Plans pdf icon PDF 43 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the Service Plan for council services that are managed within the Lifelong Learning & Culture service arm.  Some of these services fall within the Leisure and Culture portfolio and some within the Children’s Services portfolio and the complete plan is therefore being presented to both executive members.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member is advise to approve the Service Plan attached to this report.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  In order to ensure that the Lifelong Learning and Culture management team is in a position to implement the strategic priorities of the directorate.   


Members considered a report that sought approval for the Service Plan for Council services that are managed within the Lifelong Learning and Culture service arm. Some of these services fall within the Leisure and Culture portfolio and some within the Children’s Services portfolio and the complete plan is therefore being presented to both Executive members. The services covered by the plan are as follows:


·        Adult and Community Education

·        Arts and Culture

·        Sport and Active Leisure

·        Parks and Open Spaces

·        Libraries and Heritage.


Members asked Officers how they were going to implement the ‘5 Big Ideas’ detailed in the Service Plan and the Assistant Director (Lifelong Learning and Culture) said that they would be using all new technologies available to them as well as pooling marketing resources to enable the Council to provide the public with the information required.


Officers were asked whether there would be any further monitoring reports and they responded that there would be quarterly monitoring reports. Detailed workplans were also available and Members of the Committee asked that these were circulated to them.1


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member is advise to approve the Service Plan attached to this report.*2


*The Executive Member for Leisure and Culture accepted and endorsed the advice of the Advisory Panel at 9.30am on Wednesday 26th March 2008. The decisions are detailed on the Decision Sheet attached as an annex to these minutes.        


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