Decision details

Consideration of 5 Petitions received relating to the Wetherby Road, Hob Moor, Ridgeway, Grange Street and Askham Lane areas of the City

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Purpose of Report: To acknowledge receipt of the above petitions and outlined way forward.

The Executive Member will be asked to consider the officer recommendations as outlined in the report.




(i)      That the five petitions detailed in the report be noted.


(ii)      That, with regard to the petition relating to reducing vehicle speeds on Wetherby Road, officers be requested to notify Ward/Parish Councillors that:


(a)     The current speeds on Wetherby Road would meet the existing Council policy for the potential reinstatement of a Vehicle Activated Sign funded by the Ward/Parish Council.

(b)     If speeding remains a concern a further request for investigation could be submitted to North Yorkshire Police after August 2020 in accordance with the current Speed Management Policy.

(c)     Speed camera vans are managed solely by North Yorkshire Police and any request for the implementation of Safety Cameras on Wetherby Road would need to be communicated directly to the Police.


(iii)     That, with regard to the petition relating to the Kingsway Area, officers be requested to notify Ward Councillors that:


(a)     The impact of development on the adjacent highway network has been considered as part of the planning process for individual developments.

(b)     Laybys are not considered to be necessary at this location for road safety or congestion reasons however could be considered for funding from Ward Council funds if considered to be a priority for the area.

(c)     The provision of children’s play facilities will be reviewed before any existing provision is removed.


(iv)    That in relation to the highway maintenance petitions  relating to Ridgeway, Grange Street and  Askham Lane, as detailed in the report, officers be requested to notify the lead petitioners and Ward Councillors that maintenance for all streets is prioritised using a citywide evidence based process and that the streets would be maintained when their condition warrants intervention when compared to other streets across the city.


(v)     That in relation to 8 petitions from residents requesting new road surfaces at Minster Close, Corner Close, Helmsley Grove and Westfield Grove in Wigginton and Kennedy Drive, Little Lane, Lowfield Drive and Coppice Close in Haxby submitted by Cllr Cuthbertson, Ward Member for Haxby and Wigginton, officers be requested to notify the lead petitioners and Ward Councillors that maintenance for all streets is prioritised using a citywide evidence based process and that the streets would be maintained when their condition warrants intervention when compared to other streets across the city.




To ensure petitioners are aware of current Council policies and potential actions relating to the items highlighted.


Report author: Tony Clarke

Publication date: 14/03/2019

Date of decision: 14/03/2019

Decided at meeting: 14/03/2019 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

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