Decision details

Rural Collection of Waste

Decision Maker: Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel, Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: Review the current arrangements for the collection of waste from properties in rural areas which are hard to reach. Consider the regional arrangements and national considerations on how best to service these properties within the resources available.

Members are asked to: Consider the options and agree future policy.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised:


(i)           That Option 3 and the proposed policy for rural collection of waste be approved;


(ii)     That consultation with affected householders be undertaken to agree local collection points where necessary;


(iii)    That all Ward Members receive information about affected properties in their wards in advance of the letters being sent out.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:To reduce the risk of damage to vehicles and property, reduce the risk of an accident occurring and minimise the need to carry out reversing manoeuvres as set out in the guidance from the Health and Safety Executive.

Publication date: 19/03/2008

Date of decision: 19/03/2008

Decided at meeting: 19/03/2008 - Executive Member For Neighbourhood Services and Advisory Panel

Effective from: 26/03/2008

Accompanying Documents:


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