Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend, whether in person or virtually, in their capacity as member of that committee. This only includes meetings for which the actual attendance status is known.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in their capacity as member of that committee.
Present as substitute
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in place of a committee member who could not attend.
Present, as substitute, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in place of a committee member who could not attend.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
In attendance, virtual
The number of meetings that the councillor attended virtually in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present Present, virtual Present as substitute Present as substitute, virtual In attendance In attendance, virtual
Councillor James Alexander0000000
Councillor Keith Aspden221800000
Councillor Nigel Ayre0000000
Councillor Rosie Baker0000000
Councillor Neil Barnes0000000
Councillor Stuart Barnes0000000
Councillor Martin Bartlett696100000
Councillor George Barton0000000
Councillor Anna Baxter0000000
Councillor Bill Bennett0000000
Councillor Paul Blanchard513800000
Councillor Denise Bowgett0000000
Councillor Barbara Boyce0000000
Councillor Jenny Brooks0000000
Councillor Ben Burton0000000
Councillor Jane Burton0000000
Councillor Stephen Burton0000000
Councillor David Carr0000000
Councillor Tony Clarke0000000
Councillor Jo Coles0000000
Councillor Denise Craghill0000000
Councillor Jonny Crawshaw0000000
Councillor Richard Cregan0000000
Councillor Sonja Crisp0000000
Councillor Chris Cullwick0000000
Councillor Linsay Cunningham0000000
Councillor Ian Cuthbertson655900000
Councillor Andy D'Agorne715104040
Councillor Simon Daubeney0000000
Councillor Paul Doughty0000000
Councillor Claire Douglas0000000
Councillor Helen Douglas0000000
Councillor David Evans412600000
Councillor Bill Fairclough302000000
Councillor Stephen Fenton0000000
Councillor Paul Firth0000000
Councillor Tony Fisher0000000
Councillor Fiona Fitzpatrick0000000
Councillor James Flinders0000000
Councillor Sandy Fraser615601010
Councillor Christina Funnell0000000
Councillor Steve Galloway484701000
Councillor Susan Galloway706100000
Councillor John Galvin0000000
Councillor John Gates0000000
Councillor Ian Gillies0000000
Councillor Janet Greenwood494300000
Councillor Julie Gunnell0000000
Councillor Charles Hall483700030
Councillor Paul Healey0000000
Councillor David Heaton0000000
Councillor Mark Hill553500000
Councillor Gerard Hodgson0000000
Councillor Christopher Hogg171400000
Councillor Andrew Hollyer0000000
Councillor Tom Holvey312201000
Councillor Anne Hook0000000
Councillor Janet Hopton10900000
Councillor David Horton1049200000
Councillor Ben Hudson0000000
Councillor Keith Hyman857202010
Councillor Ceredig Jamieson-Ball625500000
Councillor Lynn Jeffries0000000
Councillor Alan Jones29500000
Councillor Jenny Kent0000000
Councillor Peter Kilbane0000000
Councillor Viv Kind613200000
Councillor Ken King706002000
Councillor Madeleine Kirk292900000
Councillor Emilie Knight0000000
Councillor Lars Kramm0000000
Councillor Martin Lancelott242100000
Councillor David Levene0000000
Councillor Sam Lisle0000000
Councillor Katie Lomas0000000
Councillor Janet Looker504400000
Councillor Quentin Macdonald777201010
Councillor Ashley Mason0000000
Councillor Neil McIlveen0000000
Councillor Rachel Melly0000000
Councillor Dave Merrett787401000
Councillor Richard Moore968700000
Councillor Jonathan Morley151304000
Councillor Danny Myers0000000
Councillor Emily Nelson - on Maternity Leave0000000
Councillor Michael Nicholls0000000
Councillor Gilbert Nimmo414001000
Councillor Keith Orrell393701000
Councillor Michael Pavlovic0000000
Councillor Edward Pearson0000000
Councillor Anna Perrett0000000
Councillor Roger Pierce0000000
Councillor Ruth Potter635100010
Councillor Kate Ravilious0000000
Councillor Ann Reid MBE948800010
Councillor Tony Richardson0000000
Councillor Joseph Riches0000000
Councillor Jason Rose0000000
Councillor Martin Rowley BEM0000000
Councillor Carol Runciman464100000
Councillor David Scott323100020
Councillor Anna Semlyen0000000
Councillor Tracey Simpson-Laing847700000
Councillor Darryl Smalley0000000
Councillor Derek Smallwood392800010
Councillor Lucy Steels-Walshaw0000000
Councillor Chris Steward0000000
Councillor Susan Sunderland574400000
Councillor Dave Taylor0000000
Councillor Kallum Taylor0000000
Councillor Christian Vassie433602000
Councillor Andrew Waller514700000
Councillor Derek Wann0000000
Councillor Mark Warters0000000
Councillor Brian Watson716807010
Councillor Richard Watson453900000
Councillor Joe Watt0000000
Councillor Irene Waudby575101010
Councillor Sam Waudby0000000
Councillor Robert Webb0000000
Councillor Margaret Wells0000000
Councillor Conrad Whitcroft0000000
Councillor Paula Widdowson0000000
Councillor Dafydd Williams0000000
Councillor Sarah Wilson0000000
Councillor Sian Wiseman0000000


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