Issue details

Food Service Plan 2024-2025

This report seeks approval for the council’s Food Service Plan for 2023-24 in compliance with the requirements of the Food Law Code of Practice. The Executive Member will be asked to approve the report and in doing so provide the appropriate Member oversight of the plan.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made (subject to call-in)

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/08/2024

Decision due: 15/10/24 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency

Lead member: Executive Member for Environment and Climate Emergency

Lead director: Director of Transport, Environment and Planning

Department: Directorate of Transport, Environment and Planning

Contact: Matthew Pawson, Public Protection Manager (Investigations and Compliance) Email: Email:

Consultation process

N/A – the plan accords with the specific guidelines prescribed in the Food Law Code of Practice

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: Yes


Agenda items


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