Issue details

Tranby Avenue Parking Problems

Purpose of the Report:
The report will respond to the petition submitted by residents of Osbaldwick in relation to the parking problems on Tranby Avenue. The report will also propose potential parking restrictions to remove the long-term parking that is occurring.

Executive Member will be asked to approve the amendment of the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce new parking restrictions on Tranby Avenue.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Osbaldwick and Derwent Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/04/2024

Decision due: 19/07/24 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport
Reason: This item has been postponed due to the pre-election period of the General Election on 4 July 2024.

Lead member: Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Economy and Culture

Lead director: Corporate Director of Place

Contact: Darren Hobson, Principal Engineer Traffic Manager email:

Consultation process

Consultation process:
No consultation has taken place, the request for review was via a petition submission. If the proposal is approved for advertisement then the Notice of Proposal will be put on display in the affected streets and in a local circulated Newspaper. A letter, which will include the Notice of Proposal and Plan of the proposed restriction, will sent to all residents of properties adjacent to the proposed areas of restriction. The Ward Cllrs and Parish Councils will also receive the information and asked to comment on the Consultation.

Ward Cllrs
Parish Councils
Residents/businesses of adjacent affected properties
North Yorkshire Police
York Ambulance Service, NHS Trust
North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue
Freight Transport Association
Logistics UK

Equality Impact Assessment Completed?: EIA will be considered as part of the report.


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