Issue - decisions

Petition regarding 22/23 Bus Services

12/12/2006 - Petition Seeking Better Bus Service for Fordlands Road, Fulford

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to :

(i)                 Approve that Officers look into the possibility of improving bus services for Fordlands Road;

(ii)               Approve that bus service provision along the Fulford Road corridor should be closely monitored, and a review of subsidised bus services in the area should be brought forward as soon as possible after the current situation appears to have stabilised;

(iii)             Approve that the Director of City strategy be empowered, in consultation with the Executive Member, to take appropriate action, guided by the aims embodied in the report, to respond to any changes in the situation brought about by commercial bus service registrations, with any such action reported to a subsequent meeting of this panel.     


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  (i) To respond to criticism of the current service;


(ii) To explore any opportunities which might arise to improve the frequency of bus service on the route to Fulford (Fordlands Road);


(iii) To facilitate a timely response to any unforeseen changes, which may be made with a minimum of eight week’s notice, to the network of bus services provided commercially by the private sector.


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