Issue - decisions

Combined Internal Audit Report

27/07/2006 - Response to Audits in Commercial Services, "Appointment and Use of Sub-Contractors" and "Recruitment and Selection."

Members considered a report which detailed the actions Neighbourhood Services (formerly Commercial Services) had taken in response to the recommendations from two audits completed in Jan 2006, surrounding issues raised through the whistle blowing policy in August 2005.


This report was brought to members following a request from the Commercial Services EMAP of March 7th 2006. There were two audits arising from whistle blowing which detailed issues in Commercial Services in three main areas.


·        Irregularities in appointing staff

·        Irregularities in the appointment and use of sub contractors

·        Failures of supervision and irregularities in the payment of sub contractors


The details of the allegations made by the whistle blowers and the conclusions from the investigations were contained within the reports attached asAnnex 1 and Annex 2. Many of the allegations were proved to be unfounded, however the audits did highlight many control weaknesses and it was these issues which were addressed in this report.


This report made reference to the recommendations in the audit reports, the action taken to address each recommendation and the timescale for completion. Much of the work around the use of sub-contractors was already being formulated as part of a review of the building department taking place before, during and after the audit. This report was for information only, consequently there were no decisions required.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to note the contents of the report and request a report back on any items that are not completed within the timescales as set out in the report.


Decision of the Executive Member



That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decision above be endorsed.



To update Members of the response to the recommendations from two audits completed in Jan 2006, surrounding issues raised through the whistle blowing policy in August 2005.


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