Issue - decisions

A19 Fulford Road corridor improvements - consideration of a petition

06/01/2010 - A19 Fulford Road Corridor Improvements - Consideration of a Petition

RESOLVED:                       That the Executive Member for City Strategy agrees to:

i) Note the contents of this report.

ii) Implement Option 1 described in Annex A to retain the existing layout but provide dropped kerb tactile crossings on, or close to, the pedestriandesire lines for the entrance to Fulford Park

iii) Amend the areas of green surfacing as shown on the plan at Annex Aand notes that the double yellow lines are a key element of the scheme.

iv) Advise Fulford Parish Council that they should either accept one of the standard design shelters to replace the existing shelter at the Fulford Park bus stop or use their own / Ward Committee funding to refurbish the existing shelter.


REASON:                  To improve conditions along this section of the corridor whilst addressing the concerns of Councillor Keith Aspden and local residents.


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