Issue - decisions

School Meals

21/07/2009 - School Meals

RESOLVED:            (i)            That the Executive Member approves option 3 (a selling

price of £2.15 per primary meal) and the grant be used to fund one off initiatives in accordance with the criteria shown in paragraph 13 of the report including:

·        The contingency required to fund the shortfall between the contract price and the cost of providing school meals if take up is lower than that predicted, approximately £20k.

·        To fund the introduction of dishwashers in all schools (whether in the catering contract or not) that do not have them (19) as these save on staff time, water and energy consumption, approximately £160k.

·        Other one off initiatives at the request of schools or arising out of work with the School Food Trust leaving a modest carry forward for 2010/11.


(ii)               That officers be requested to look at ways in which it may be possible in the future to provide assistance to families in receipt of Working Tax Credit.


(iii)             That officers continue to work with schools to promote the take-up of meals and to ensure that who are eligible are aware of their entitlement to free school meals.


REASONS:            (i)            To allow for the purchase of equipment to improve

the working conditions and efficiency of staff and to enable a lower than anticipated selling price increase (10p instead of 15p).


(ii) To promote the take-up of school meals.


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