Issue - decisions

Update on the City of York Public Toilet Review

22/07/2009 - Update on the City of York Public Toilet Review

Decision of the Executive Member




1.      That the ExecutiveMember notes the limitations in the use of both the hydraulic urinals and the mobile units and agrees the recommendation that work on these solutions be suspended.

·        Reason: To allow resources to be focused of the Community Toilet Scheme.

2.      That the Executive Member agrees to the recommendation that a dedicated page on the council’s website be established for the public to report problems with specific facilities.

·        Reason: To allow complaints to be monitored by site and use the data in support of decisions on any refurbishment programme.

3.      The Executive Member notes the work needed on signage and believes that the national community toilet signage be adopted, and that a further report on this be brought back to the Executive Member in November 2009.

·        Reason: To ensure all parties have agreed with the types and locations of signs and how this supports the Community Toilet Scheme.

4.      The Executive Member agrees to further work being carried out to recruit businesses to the Community Toilet Scheme within any limitations identified with regard to signage and that details of the options be brought back to the Executive Member in November 2009.

·        Reason:  To be able to approach businesses in the City following the agreement on the types and locations of signage.

5.      The Executive Member agrees to the continuation of the current charging arrangements at the Coppergate facility and agrees to the recommendation that the charging at this facility is suspended with the attendant being replaced by scheduled cleans, and that this be monitored.

·        Reason: To ensure the council meets its obligations under discrimination legislation.

6.      That the Executive Member considers the current arrangements for the charging for children and the age at which a free service is offered and agrees with the recommendation that all children under 12 and accompanied are free.

·        Reason: To establish a policy on the charging of children at facilities in the City.

7.      That ways should be considered to improve facilities in house and adding them to the capital programme and that a further report on a partnership working with the private sector be prepared to make capital available immediately.  This will require a charge to be made at all the facilities except disabled following redevelopment.

·        Reason:  To improve the facilities on offer in the City.

8.      That consultation with the Older People’s Assembly be undertaken with regard to this review.

·        Reason: To ensure that the views of older people in York are taken into consideration in this review.

9.      That concerns about the use of the Radar Keys by people with disabilities be investigated and the options with the Radar Key organisation. That options with regard to the response to the Pull Chord emergency facility be investigated with a report back on both to the Executive Member in November 2009.

·        Reason: To improve toilet facilities for people with disabilities.


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