Agenda item



Front Street 10th July


Cllr Coles read apologies & thanked Officers.

Kathryn Daly explained Mayoral election pre-election period (PERP) + GE (PERP) added unforeseen delay to the process.

Outlined meeting format for today.

Response to the survey included - 6 stakeholder meetings, over 900 responses. 5337 comments analysed.

Designs informed by comments & feedback.

Executive summary - 30-page document published, with results of the online survey - thanks everyone for your time and having your say.

Regen team considered the levels of support but also comments on price/priority.

Have used comments & "what would you like to see" + 6 top priorities identified through survey.

Presentation of survey findings

Of survey, 15% Blue Badge holders!

140 participants provided postcodes (optional)

From that 140,  89% were from Acomb ward, Westfield ward and Holgate Ward.

Front Street having a pop-up concept/attraction was well supported, but not solely temporary attractions/features.

People wanted value for money, lasting change and permanent addition - such as any street furniture installed, to stay.

91% identified their highest priority was for things to happen - market/ activities at least twice a month.


Bollards majority support reducing bollards BUT ppl still wants to reduce illegal parking wider level crossings widely supported 1 premise towards a market square. Comments showed want for long-term plan. Currently funding can't fully pedestrianise C current parking does not meet access standards connecting front Street - support for signage social media / maps help. PI

Community art should be by quality artists. Way-finder + mural together.

Seating by WMC generally supported as respite. Longer term aspirations.

Feasibility study supported. 1

Priorities + least popular

Greater Acomb community forum.

Design / logo heart = community together

Oak leaf = Acomb meaning.


Shaping the Design

More happening with the space

People said don't want any changes to be undone.

People don't want clutter - clear pedestrian routes.

People want flexible space. Space for people, not for cars.

Road surface could change towards pedestrians.

Additional west welcome entrance.

People who walk there arrive that way.

Changes towards 'pedestrians’ space' rather than 'car space'  by using "buff Hardipave" zone - road surface is less attractive to drivers.

Tree in planter because utilities. (roots in the way)

New community noticeboard

New tactile paving to improve wheelchair experience of road quality & reduce vibration for buggies too. Before + after illustrations of streets with new designs. Lessen bollards.

Wide generous crossings.

Tree as parking deterrent.

De-clutter highways stuff + signage

Feb ' 24 proposed to remove 80, keep 60.

July 24 proposed to  remove 97, keep 34 (74% reduction in bollards)

There were 54 bollards on Fr. St. Anyway (before the Phase 1)

Bollards are a mix of wooden + metal.

Current disabled bays not compliant.

Can be misused, can't get in / out. Travel anxiety.

New crossing at Morrisons.

Maintenance cost of wooden street furniture.

Phase 2 - spend deadline is March 2025

Engagement survey : review pedestrianisation, trial events, review Morrisons junction, & change green space outside the Working Men's Club.

You spoke . We did:

Alternative seating + planters can deter parking & protect kerb line.

Mural locations. Possibly after March '25.

Toilets +6 upgraded to 2 accessible toilets.

Move + create new 'happy to chat' bench.

Can't make road totally flat yet.


Timeline shown of Front Street developments.

18th July Exec report.

9th September Scrutiny (cross-party) (public participation allowed)

24th September Exec member to approve final design.

Now to Q and A.

Question from resident about littering of planters + Shop fronts.

A. To prevent this - community ownership of planters & reporting litter, working with partners but we can't guarantee no ASB.

Q. Why 'Greater Acomb"?

A. That's the Forum's name. Way to feel shared identity. Not planned to be used on signage.

Follow-up. Ok, good. Cycle racks- closer to building? Artistic cycle rack? Oak leaf design? Planter at Gateway but that's where our Christmas tree goes!

A. Great idea for Xmas tree.

Q. Thank you. Feels like years. Playing catch up. We want a level-open space. Relying on goodwill

Won't stop a road being a road. Evidence of your commitments to pedestrianisation. What after the £ million spent?

A. Cllr Coles- risk of delay is that we'd lose the funding.

Follow up: commitment on-paper, not placating us.

Cllr Lomas - Exec paper has gone live today, ambition for Front Street long-term. Big ambitions & plan for what we could do.

Follow-up: survey costs ? Was it £26k ...?

A. Front Street, feasibility  to scope -  experimental,  timeframe, impact, support, businesses

Q. Biggest pedestrianisation in York! Of the UK

Coney street is right there & flat - it's pedestrianised. Why do we need another survey to tell us what we already know?

A. Not a survey, a feasibility study. Coney Street actually does not fulfil access design requirements - either kerb or line of bollards. Coney Street will be re-designed + not as it is not accessible. Council has its legal duty . Can't fully pedestrianize yet .

Follow-up: Is the city centre more accessible to disabled people than Front Street?

Access officer: City centre is more challenging perhaps. (for Blue Badge holders) access routes now allow disabled people into the city. City locals from town but safety comes first.

Q. If we write on boards, will CYC read it?

A. Yes.

Uni - project "Common Room". Capture ideas,

Sign up to help e.g. Planters, materials - pro/con. What events & activities you want to see. ( all at no cost to CYC)

Follow-up : Litter not awful but cigarette butts everywhere.

A. Adding Two extra bins.

Q. Thank you council officers + Cllrs. Phase 2 should be pedestrianised. Behaviours can change. It could be beautiful. Create space loved, used & accessed by Community. Look forward to Phase 3. Be brave & challenge legislation. Such as Europe pedestrianisation. Why protect people from cars? Get rid of cars.

Q. Parochial. Greater Acomb co-op - Library

Sign should say "Front Street" not "Acomb or Greater Acomb Community"  Also - Traffic awful by post office. Motorcycle spaces have been removed. Parking bay there?

A. We will look into that.

Q. Space for another blue badge please? Plus, clear walkways as can't see planters. Visually impaired. No clear route for tactile paving from Carr Lane.

A. Welcome by the Halifax. Don't want to restrict access.

Q. Nice to see a council taking active steps in urban space. New street furniture & eventual pedestrianisation. Hopefully no "spikes anti-homeless" makes it cruel & hostile.

A. No plans for spikes, just accessible benches.

Q. Are there more people with disabilities in Acomb or city centre ?

Access Officer responded: First thought bollards too many for accessibility Some can't use Blue Badge bays as mobility vehicle can prevent getting wheelchairs out. Other cars park up & prevent people, blocking car doors - quality not quantity as currently most of the bays are not marked properly and aren't functional for people that need them. Working with Applefields school.

Q. Enforcement - traffic wardens? Not seen them.

A from Cllr Lomas. Fines tricky as bays not properly marked. Focus needed on parking enforcement.

Follow-up question: Have CYC secured budget for parking warden?

A. No. Have to be realistic, and civil enforcement team are far stretched.

Q. How about ONLY disabled people on Front Street parking

A. We can look into it.


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