Agenda item

Club Salvation, George Hudson Street, York YO1 6JL [22/01718/FULM] (5.32 pm)

Construction of new storey and roof level at 23 Tanner Row, conversion of upper floors of 23, 25 Tanner Row and 27, 29 and 31 George Hudson Street to create 17no. serviced apartments (use class C1), conversion of ground floor and basement of 31 George Hudson Street to amenity space for serviced apartments above (use class C1) [Micklegate Ward]


Members considered a Major Full Application for the construction of new storey and roof level at 23 Tanner Row, conversion of upper floors of 23, 25 Tanner Row and 27, 29 and 31 George Hudson Street to create 17no. serviced apartments (use class C1), conversion of ground floor and basement of 31 George Hudson Street to amenity space for serviced apartments above (use class C1).


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the plans for both item 4c and the related item 4d (31 George Hudson Street York YO1 6JL,  22/01719/LBC).  He provided an update to the report for 4c, as follows:


Updated consultation response


Public Protection - Hotels are not considered ‘relevant locations’ in terms of Local Air Quality Management and the annual mean air quality objective.  Assuming further approval would be required prior to any future change to C3, then we wouldn’t insist on mitigation specifically for air quality.

Amended condition

2. (Approved drawings)


Add drawing no. 132 P00 Existing and Proposed Elevations Internal Courtyard


Deleted condition


Delete condition 5 (Air Quality measures) following further response from Public Protection team.


In response to questions from Members, it was reported that:


·        Condition 13 referred to the Management plan which would cover arrangements for refuse.

·        There was no requirement for the plans to cover arrangements for smokers; Licensing would require a management plan for this should it be deemed necessary.

·        There was no outside area for the nightclub on the plans.

·        The plans proposed that the entrance to the Club be moved away from the residential entrance.

·        Three homes would be converted to holiday lets.

·        A lobby required by licensing, or for noise prevention, would not affect the listed building.


Following debate, Cllr Baxter proposed the officer recommendation to approve the application, subject to the amendments contained within the update.  This was seconded by Cllr Hollyer.  Members voted unanimously in favour of the application and it was therefore:


Resolved:            That the application be approved.


Reason:              The application site is within the Central Historic Core Conservation Area and includes three no. Grade II listed buildings.  The proposed extension and change of use will not harm the character and appearance of the conservation area or the special interest of the listed buildings.  The proposal complies with sections 66 and 72 (1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the NPPF and policies D11, D4 and D5 of the DLP in this respect.


The serviced apartments are acceptable in principle in this city centre location; the partial loss of the existing night club use is contrary to policy D3 of the DLP but on balance considering the applicant’s submissions, the retention of a smaller night club is considered acceptable.

Subject to planning conditions noise and air quality impacts on the serviced apartments are acceptable and the serviced apartments should not adversely impact on the functioning of the retained night club.

On balance the proposal complies with the policies of the National Planning Policy Framework and the policies of the Draft Local Plan 2018.


Supporting documents:


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