Agenda item

Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies

This report asks Members to agree to a number of changes to memberships of Committees and Outside Bodies and to a change in the proportionality of two of the Policy and Scrutiny Committees, Economic Development & Transport and Health & Adult Social Care.


[See also Part B minute]


Members received a report which asked them to agree to a number of changes to memberships of Committees, Outside Bodies and a change in the proportionality of two of the Policy and Scrutiny Committees.


The Committee were informed that since the last meeting, Officers had received advice that Councillor Cuthbertson could not be a member or substitute of the North Yorkshire Pension Fund Board and the Pension Fund Committee. It was therefore recommended that he withdraw as substitute from the North Yorkshire Pension Fund Committee, in order to take a place on the North Yorkshire Pension Board.


It was also suggested that consideration of appointments to the Corporate Parenting Board be deferred to the next meeting which would allow time to resolve some discrepancies with its composition, appointed membership and terms of reference.


Resolved:  (i) That the following appointments be agreed;


Staffing Matters and Urgency


Councillor Levene as the Labour substitute on the Committee


Local Plan Working Group


Councillor S Barnes as the Labour substitute on the Group


Equality Advisory Group (observer status)


Councillor Gunnell as the Labour member on the Group


Planning Committee


Councillor Looker as the Labour substitute on the Committee


Area Planning Sub-Committee


Councillor Funnell as the Labour substitute on the Committee


Joint Standards Committee


Councillor Funnell as the Labour substitute on the Group

Councillor Reid as the Liberal Democrat substitute on the Committee


Member Support Steering Group


Councillor Funnell as the Labour substitute on the Group

Councillor Aspden as the Liberal Democrat substitute on the Group


Audit and Governance Committee

Councillor Gates as the Conservative substitute, Councillor Levene as the Labour substitute and Councillor Cuthbertson as the Liberal Democrat substitute on the Committee


Gambling, Licensing and Regulatory Committee

Councillor Flinders as the final Labour representative on the Committee


Corporate Appeals Panel

Councillor Gillies as the Conservative substitute and Councillor N Barnes as the Labour substitute on the Panel


Housing Appeals Panel

Councillor Doughty as the Conservative substitute,Councillor Boyce as the Labour substitute and Cllr Mason as the Lib/Dem substitute on the Panel


Education Appeals Panel

Councillor Richardson as the Conservative substitute, Councillor S Barnes as the Labour substitute and Cllr Mason as the Lib/Dem substitute on the Panel


Environment Appeals Panel

Councillor Mercer as the Conservative substitute and Councillor Derbyshire as the Labour substitute on the Panel


Corporate & Scrutiny Management Policy & Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Derbyshire as the Labour substitute on the Committee


Economic Development & Transport Policy & Scrutiny Committee (8)

Councillor Warters as the Independent Member on the Committee

Councillor Lisle as the Conservative substitute and Councillor Gunnell as the Labour substitute on the Committee


Health & Adult Social Care Policy and Scrutiny Committee (6)

Councillor Shepherd as the Labour substitute and Cllr Fenton as the Lib/Dem substitute on the Committee

To remove Councillor Warters as the Independent Member on the Committee


Communities & Environment Policy & Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Levene as the Labour substitute and Cllr Cullwick as the Lib/Dem substitute on the Committee


Learning & Culture Policy & Scrutiny Committee

Dr Julie Dickinson as a Parent Governor representative on this Scrutiny Committee and Cllr S Barnes as the Labour substitute with Cllr Reid as the Lib/Dem substitute


North Yorkshire Police & Crime Panel

Councillor Richardson as the Conservative substitute and Cllr Orrell as the Lib/Dem substitute on the Panel


West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Councillor Aspden to replace Councillor Steward as the Council’s lead member on the Authority and Councillor Steward to replace Councillor Aspden as the substitute representative


West Yorkshire Combined Authority – Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Douglas as the Conservative representative on the Authority


Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation

Councillor Mercer as the Conservative representative on this body


Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Yorkshire & the Humber)

Councillor Douglas as the representative on the Committee


Outside Bodies


Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE)

Councillor Crisp as the second member on the Association


Bell Farm Social Hall Management Committee

Councillor Boyce to the Management Committee


CYC Trading Company Shareholder Group

Councillor N Barnes as the third member on the Group


Clifton Backies Management Board

Councillor Wells to the Management Board


Community Stadium Lead Members Group

Councillors N Barnes, Taylor and Warters and Councillor Orrell as the local ward member


Derwenthorpe Partnership Forum

Councillor Williams to the Partnership Forum


Foss Internal Drainage Board

To remove Councillor Richardson as a Parish Council representative.

To appoint Parish Councillor Sian Wiseman and Parish Councillor Graham Tate in place of Parish Councillor Kate Pace from Earswick Parish Council to the Board


Glen Family Resource Centre

Councillors S Barnes and Doughty to take part in the quarterly visits to Children’s Homes


Heslington East Community Forum

Councillor Levene to the Forum


Leeds City Region – LEP Leaders Board

Councillor Aspden to replace Councillor Steward as the Council’s representative on the Board and Councillor Steward to replace Councillor Aspden as the substitute representative


Leeman Road Millennium Green Trust

Councillor Derbyshire to the Trust


Local Access Forum

Councillor D Myers on to the Forum


Local Government Association – General Assembly

Councillor Williams to the General Assembly


Local Safeguarding Children’s Board

Councillor Brooks in her Executive Member role as an observer at Board meetings


Make it York Shareholders Committee

Councillor Hayes as the Independent representative and Chair of the Committee and Councillor Levene to the Shareholder Committee


Micklegate York Charitable Trust

Councillor Gunnell to the Trust


North Yorkshire Pension Committee

 Remove Cllr Cuthbertson as the substitute on the Committee


North Yorkshire Pension Fund – Local Pension Board

Councillor Cuthbertson to the Board


School Improvement & Monitoring Group

Councillor Looker to the Group


Schools Forum

To confirm the appointment of the Cabinet Member for Education, Children and Young People as a non voting attendee at Forum meetings


Tang Hall Community Centre

Councillor Funnell to the Centre’s Board


Terrys Community Forum

Councillors Gunnell, Hayes and Kramm, the 3 Micklegate Ward Members onto the Forum


Veritau Directors

Councillor Steward, as the Executive Member for Corporate Services as a Director of Veritau


Without Walls Partnership

Councillor Williams to the Partnership


York Central Lead Members

Councillors Hayes and Williams as the Independent and Labour Lead Members


York Citizens Theatre Trust

Councillor Flinders to the Trust


York City Charities

Councillor Gunnell to the Charity


York Environment Forum

Councillor Flinders on to the Forum


York Economic Partnership

Councillor Levene to the Partnership


York, North Yorkshire & East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership Infrastructure Programme Board

Councillor Steward to replace Councillor Gillies as the Council’s representative on the Board


Yorkshire Energy Partnership


To note that a nomination is no longer required on this body.


               (ii)   That the appointments to the Corporate Parenting Board be deferred until the next meeting of the Committee.


Reason:  In order to make appropriate appointments to the Council’s Committees and Outside Bodies for the current municipal year.


Supporting documents:


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