Issue - meetings

Directorate of Place 2022/23 Transport Capital Programme – Monitor 2

Meeting: 17/01/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 51)

51 Directorate of Place 2022/23 Transport Capital Programme – Monitor 2 pdf icon PDF 333 KB

This report sets out progress to date on schemes in the 2022/23 Transport Capital Programme, and propose adjustments to scheme allocations to align with the latest cost estimates and delivery projections.

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                      i.        Approvd the amendments to the 2022/23 Directorate of Place Transport Capital Programme, and to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Governance (or his delegated officers), to take whatever action is necessary to negotiate, agree and formalise such amendments within any existing arrangements the Council has with external funders.


Reason:     To implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme, including the Active Travel Programme.


Officers introduced the regular monitor report into the Transport Capital Programme. Questions were raised about the Bishopgate TSAR Scheme and officers confirmed that they would check the project design to ensure accessibility to the scheme. Flooding signage was also discussed and the Executive Member asked that officers review locations of signage to account for new flood barriers.




                      i.        Approved the amendments to the 2022/23 Directorate of Place Transport Capital Programme, and to delegate authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Director of Governance (or his delegated officers), to take whatever action is necessary to negotiate, agree and formalise such amendments within any existing arrangements the Council has with external funders.


Reason:     To implement the council’s transport strategy identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme, including the Active Travel Programme.


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