Issue - meetings

Consideration of representations received to the advertised R70 Residents Priority Parking Scheme for Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove, Fishergate.

Meeting: 19/04/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 60)

60 Consideration of representations received to the advertised R70 Residents Priority Parking Scheme for Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove, Fishergate. pdf icon PDF 215 KB

The Executive Member will be asked to consider the formal representations received to the legal Traffic Regulation Order, advertised on the 14 January 2022, to implement a new residents priority parking scheme to include Kilburn Road, Alma Terrace and Alma Grove, and determine what action is appropriate.

Additional documents:




                   i.        Implement the advertised R70 scheme for Kilburn Road, Alma Grove, and Alma Terrace;

                  ii.        Advertisement for the inclusion of Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace within the R70 residents parking area be implemented.


Reason:    To provide the improved parking provision for residents of Kilburn Road, Alma Grove, and Alma Terrace, in line with the majority preferences received within the consultation and limited objections submitted to the advertised proposals from the nearby area. As well as allowing consultation to take place with the wider area regarding inclusion into the R70 scheme.


The Executive Member considered the recommendation and requested that Alma Grove and Alma Terrace not be delayed and be implemented into the R70 scheme with Kilburn Road and to advertise the other streets for inclusion. It was confirmed that an allotment had its own private parking in the area and that officers would maintain communication with the allotments management to ensure if they wish that they can put up correct signage to ensure parking spaces are not incorrectly used.




                   i.        Implement the advertised R70 scheme for Kilburn Road, Alma Grove, and Alma Terrace;

                  ii.        Advertisement for the inclusion of Frances Street, Ambrose Street, Holly Terrace, Carey Street and Wenlock Terrace within the R70 residents parking area be implemented.


Reason:    To provide the improved parking provision for residents of Kilburn Road, Alma Grove, and Alma Terrace, in line with the majority preferences received within the consultation and limited objections submitted to the advertised proposals from the nearby area. As well as allowing consultation to take place with the wider area regarding inclusion into the R70 scheme.


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