Issue - meetings

Parking Services back office system development

Meeting: 11/08/2020 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 18)

18 Parking Services back office system development pdf icon PDF 226 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider a report that follows on from the Parking Update report to the November 2019 Executive and focuses on the implementation of the new Parking back office system, responses to the resident parking scrutiny review of March 2019 and the decisions around its implementation.

Additional documents:




A.  That it be noted that there have been delays to the delivery of the project due to the Covid-19 impacts, but good progress has been made on the project and the back office system will be ready to go live in December 2020;


B.  That approval be given to the back office system to go live in December 2020 ahead of a direct debit solution in place. The proposed solution is too complex to implement a part of the initial roll out, but will be investigated further as a second phase roll out in 2021 and this will enable monthly payment;


C.  That agreement be given to the permits highlighted as “Virtual” in Annex A will be virtual permits once the new back office system goes live in December 2020. Also, to note that processes will be in place in terms of telephone and face to face to support residents who are unable to access the online systems. All efforts will be made to assist residents to access the system online;


D.  That it be noted that when the new Pay on Exit system is implemented in Marygate car park a 12 month trial of cashless parking will be initiated as agreed at the November 2019 Executive meeting;


E.  That the decision made through emergency powers be confirmed to extend the operating hours of Piccadilly car park, during the COVID-19 recovery stages, to 8pm in line with the longer opening hours of the footstreets. This will come at a cost of £1,776 for additional security provision (as per the recommended option) and will run to the 1st December;


F.   That agreement be given to the changing of the name of Piccadilly car park to Coppergate Centre car park in order to provide a better and unique identity to this key Council asset;


G.  That following the review of Annex C agreement be given to the actions required to update the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) changes in references C-1 to C-18 and agree to go out to consult on C-19 and C-22. These items are required to support the back office system. These are intended to improve the customer experience and realise the advantages the new back office system can bring.  Annex A lists out all the permits and whether there is a change required and if so what that change is. 


Where a decision by the Executive Member is required a decision will also need to be made with respect to the scope of consultation considered necessary to support the changes.  This includes the following:-


a.   Rationalising the list of parking permits available to better meet the current requirements of customers.

b.   Changes and updates to the supporting TRO to bring wording in line with current legislation and practice.

c.   Minor modifications to align the wording in the TRO to the new back office system.

d.   Consideration of options largely driven by customer feedback and observations of current activity.


H.  That following the review of Annex  ...  view the full decision text for item 18


The Executive Member declared an interest as he had originally raised the item. He considered a report that followed on from the Parking Update report to the November 2019 Executive and focused on the implementation of the new Parking back office system, responses to the resident parking scrutiny review of March 2019 and the decisions around its implementation.


Officers explained the recommendations to the Executive Member noting the following points:

·        There would be processes in place to support customers without technology.

·        The costs had been built into the capital budget.

·        Councillors would be able to park in residents parking zones if they were on council business.


The changes to the Traffic Regulation Orders as detailed in Annex C were outlined in detail by Officers. In response to questions raised by the Executive Member, Officers clarified that:

·        Section C-6 clarified the use of all the business related permits.

·        It had not been found that any vehicles were affected by Section C-7 Household Permits – Discount and Premium.

·        Section C-8 Special Additional Permits included the use of residents putting another permit in their windows.

·        The term ‘developer funded’ in Section C-9 Badger Hill was  generic term. The traffic order for R39A – to introduce charges for permits related to zone 39A only.

·        Section C-11 Community Permits related to private companies that needed access to street for specific reasons.

·        Regarding Section C-13 Rationalise other on-street permits, there were already some special control zones in place around the city, for example in Bishophill.

·        Full Council would set the prices for Discount and Premium 2nd & 3rd Household Permits (Section C-17).

·        Guest houses were regulated in a different way to holiday lets.

·        The machines would be able to read Blue Badges.

·        The Coppergate Centre would not be extending it’s opening hours and at present Shopmobility was operating on a booking service.


The Executive Member then;









A.  That it be noted that there have been delays to the delivery of the project due to the Covid-19 impacts, but good progress has been made on the project and the back office system will be ready to go live in December 2020;


B.  That approval be given to the back office system to go live in December 2020 ahead of a direct debit solution in place. The proposed solution is too complex to implement a part of the initial roll out, but will be investigated further as a second phase roll out in 2021 and this will enable monthly payment;


C.  That agreement be given to the permits highlighted as “Virtual” in Annex A will be virtual permits once the new back office system goes live in December 2020. Also, to note that processes will be in place in terms of telephone and face to face to support residents who are unable to access the online systems. All efforts will be made to assist residents to access the system online;


D.  That it be noted that when the new Pay on Exit system  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18


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