Issue - meetings

FS-17-23 Bikehanger Pilot Scheme

Meeting: 21/07/2020 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 9)

9 FS-17-23 Bikehanger Pilot scheme pdf icon PDF 280 KB

This report summarises the results of the pilot scheme, and asks the Executive Member to consider the views raised in objection to the proposal through a petition, and the comments of support, prior to making a decision on whether to make the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) permanent.


Subject to the decision on the ETRO the Executive Member is also asked to consider the retention of the cycle shelter for rental by the residents.


Additional documents:




(i)      That option 1 be approved:


To consider the objections/representations and approve making the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) permanent.


(ii)      That the shelter be routinely cleaned and maintained, by the supplier, including the removal of graffiti.


Reason: To continue to provide secure cycle parking for residents and help reduce the number of thefts of cycles.


In respect of this item, the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning substituted for the Executive Member for Transport.


At 10:03am the Executive Member for Transport withdrew from the meeting and the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning joined the meeting.


The Acting Transport Projects Manager gave an update and informed the Executive Member that as part of the ward scheme programme, officers were requested to investigate and install a Bikehanger cycle shelter as part of a free trial at a location on Heslington Road within the Fishergate ward.  The shelter was provided by Cyclehoop Limited for an initial trial period of 6 months and a decision was now required on whether to make the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) permanent and retain the cycle shelter for rental by residents.


The Executive Member considered the report and annexes, which summarised the results of the Bikehanger pilot scheme, including the views raised in objection to the proposal through a petition and the comments in support.


In answer to some questions raised by the Executive Member, it was noted that:

·        The location of the shelter had been carefully considered and deemed to be the most suitable. The chosen position offered adequate space within the footway to allow the door to be opened and cycles to be safely placed within the shelter.

·        The trial had been successful and the shelter had 100% occupancy during the 6 months.

·        Should the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) be made permanent, Cyclehoop would continue to manage the rental scheme and routinely clean and maintain the shelter on a six monthly basis.


The Executive Member considered the options put forward in the report, he thanked officers for their update and




(i)      That Option 1 be approved:


Option 1: To consider the objections/representations and approve making the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) permanent.


(ii)    That the shelter be routinely cleaned and maintained, by the supplier, including the removal of graffiti.


Reason: To continue to provide secure cycle parking for residents and help reduce the number of thefts of cycles.


At 10:18am, the Executive Member for Transport returned to the meeting and the Executive Member for Economy and Strategic Planning withdrew from the meeting.


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