Issue - meetings

Consideration of results from the consultation in Danesmead area and Fulford Cross

Meeting: 25/10/2018 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 39)

39 Consideration of results from the consultation in Danesmead Close Estate, Broadway West, Westfield Drive and Fulford Cross following petitions received requesting Residents' Priority Parking pdf icon PDF 204 KB

The Executive Member is asked to consider the consultation results for Danesmead Close Estate, Broadway West, Westfield Drive and Fulford Cross and to determine what action is appropriate. 


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a)   Advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a new Residents’ Priority Parking Area to operate Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm in the Danesmead Estate as outlined on plans included as Annex I. To be allocated the zone number (R63). 

b)   Not to proceed with Residents Priority Parking area on Fulford Cross at the present time, but to undertake further consultation in this area and to report the results of this consultation back to the Executive Member at a future decision session

c)   No further action to be taken for Broadway West and Westfield Drive at this time.  If residents of these streets provide additional evidence of support within 18 months of implementation of a scheme on neighbouring streets then we seek authorisation to re-consult with these areas at that time.

Reason:     To progress the majority views of the residents consulted.



The Executive Member considered a report that highlighted the consultation results for Danesmead Close Estate, Broadway West, Westfield Drive and Fulford Cross to determine what action was appropriate. He considered the four options detailed in the report at paragraphs 15-27 and noted the content of the written representation submitted by a local resident.


Concern had been raised by some speakers around possible displacement of parking due to the introduction of residents parking on adjoining streets. Officers advised that if residents of those streets, who had already been consulted, provided additional evidence of support within 18 months of implementation of a scheme on neighbouring streets, then the council could seek authorisation to re-consult with these areas at that time without further delay.


Discussion took place around Fulford Cross area and in particular the proposed school drop off zones and time limits on these. It was noted that although the consultation response rate from Fulford Cross residents met the normal criteria for progressing a scheme, it was close to the threshold without a majority of properties voting in favour. In view of this and the concerns raised by residents, officers suggested it would be possible to go out to consultation again with Fulford Cross residents with the current proposals and also to have further conversations with the Education Department.




a)   Advertise an amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce a new Residents’ Priority Parking Area to operate Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm in the Danesmead Estate as outlined on plans included as Annex I. To be allocated the zone number (R63). 

b)   Not to proceed with Residents Priority Parking area on Fulford Cross at the present time, but to undertake further consultation in this area and to report the results of this consultation back to the Executive Member at a future decision session

c)   No further action to be taken for Broadway West and Westfield Drive at this time.  If residents of these streets provide additional evidence of support within 18 months of implementation of a scheme on neighbouring streets then we seek authorisation to re-consult with these areas at that time.

Reason:     To progress the majority views of the residents consulted.



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