Issue - meetings

Christmas Tree, Parliament Street

Meeting: 12/09/2006 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 64)

Children's Magic Christmas Tree

This report presents proposals to site an innovative “Children’s Magic Christmas Tree” over the fountain in Parliament Street for the duration of the festive period, instead of the traditional ‘cross street’ Christmas lighting.


RESOLVED:(i) That the provision of a Children’s Magic Christmas Tree to be paid for in part through sponsorship and a fundraising campaign and to be located in Parliament Street, as detailed in paragraphs 4iii), 5, 6 & 7 of the report, be agreed;


(ii)               That the financial management arrangements, outlined in paragraphs 3 & 4 of confidential Annex 1, be approved.


Members received a report which presented proposals to site an innovative “Children’s Magic Christmas Tree” over the fountain in Parliament Street for the duration of the festive period, instead of the traditional ‘cross-street’ Christmas lighting.


The report presented the following options for consideration:

·  Option i) – To carry on with the cross-street lighting being funded through a Council-led sponsorship drive;

·  Option ii) – To do nothing and no alternative to the cross-street lights;

·  Option iii) – To have a single decorative illumination, a “Children’s Magic Christmas Tree”, funded by public donations via an appeal to be led by The Press.


The report explained that the Tree was a seven metre high, cone shaped frame with a four metre wide base.  The frame would be covered completely in white lights.  In addition to these lights it would have changing primary coloured lamps coiled around the white lights.  These coloured lamps were cherry sized, would change randomly approximately every six seconds and would be in many different colours, creating a spectacular effect during the day and night. 


RESOLVED:(i) That the provision of a Children’s Magic Christmas Tree to be paid for in part through sponsorship and a fundraising campaign and to be located in Parliament Street, as detailed in paragraphs 4iii), 5, 6 & 7 of the report, be agreed;


(ii)               That the financial management arrangements, outlined in paragraphs 3 & 4 of confidential Annex 1, be approved.


REASON:                  This will be funded by public donations and as a single focus right in the heart of the city the tree will offer an opportunity for the community and visitors to come together, and act as a focal point for a number of events and activities over the Christmas period.


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