Issue - meetings

Proposed Changes to the City of York Tenancy Agreement - Results of Consultation

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Finance and Major Projects (Item 31)

31 Urgent Item: Proposed Changes to the City of York Housing Tenancy Agreement - Results of Consultation pdf icon PDF 242 KB

In order to allow for 4 weeks notice of the changes to tenancy agreements to be given to tenants and to enable the changes to be implemented for the 2016/17 financial year this report has been added to the agenda as an urgent item.


The Executive Member is asked to consider the results of the consultation with tenants and agree the proposed changes to the City of York Council tenancy agreements.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the proposed changes to the housing tenancy agreement, as set out in paragraphs 17 to 38 of the report, be agreed subject to the tenancy agreement including a clause stating that there would also be a requirement for tenants to gain permission to breed from a pet and that breeding for commercial gain would not be granted.


Reason:     To better enable the council to enforce tenancy conditions for the benefit of all tenants, enable customers to budget more effectively, make sure those most in need get council homes that become vacant and to help promote animal welfare/responsible pet ownership.



The Executive Member considered a report which set out the results of the consultation with tenants on the proposed changes to City of York Council Housing Tenancy Agreement. 


This item had been added to agenda as an urgent item in order to allow for four weeks notice of the changes to tenancy agreements to be given to tenants and to enable the changes to be implemented for the 2016-17 financial year should the Executive Member approve the recommendations.


Officers drew attention to paragraph 11 of the report, which detailed the results of the consultation that had been carried out.


Councillor Boyce was invited to put forward her views.  She stated that she was broadly in agreement with the proposed changes and that it appeared that tenants were also supportive of them.  She did, however, have concerns regarding the proposed policy in respect of the breeding of animals.  She stated that she had understood that originally the intention had been that the breeding of animals would not be permitted under any circumstances and was therefore concerned to note in the report that the proposal was now not to permit the breeding of animals “either as a business or for commercial gain”.  Councillor Boyce stated that, as well as the animal welfare issues, unregulated breeding of animals was a cause of nuisance for neighbours and was a significant problem.  She commented that, because it was difficult to identify and evidence breeding that was for commercial gain, there would also be issues in respect of enforcement. 


The Executive Member considered the options detailed in paragraph 14 of the report.


The Executive Member stated that he acknowledged the points that had been raised by Councillor Boyce, particularly in respect of repetitive breeding of animals or breeding for commercial gain.  He did, however, believe that there may be circumstances when it would not be appropriate to prevent a responsible owner from breeding from a pet.   For this reason he believed that it would be appropriate for the proposed changes to be amended to state that permission must be sought to breed an animal but that breeding for commercial gain would not be granted.


Resolved:  That the proposed changes to the housing tenancy agreement, as set out in paragraphs 17 to 38 of the report, be agreed subject to the tenancy agreement including a clause stating that there would also be a requirement for tenants to gain permission to breed from a pet and that breeding for commercial gain would not be granted.


Reason:     To better enable the council to enforce tenancy conditions for the benefit of all tenants, enable customers to budget more effectively, make sure those most in need get council homes that become vacant and to help promote animal welfare/responsible pet ownership.



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