Issue - meetings

32a Copmanthorpe Lane, Bishopthorpe

Meeting: 20/07/2006 - West & City Centre Area Planning Sub-Committee (Item 10)

10 32a Copmanthorpe Lane, Bishopthorpe (06/00565/FUL) pdf icon PDF 34 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered a full application, submitted by Mr and Mrs Burlison,  for the erection of a first floor pitched roof extension to create a two story dwelling house, single storey side extension and a front porch.  This application had been deferred from the meeting on 22 June 2006 following the submission of revised plans showing different external materials. 


Officers updated the committee that the neighbours had all now been consulted on the new plans and the revised drawings were tabled.  In addition, photographic images produced by objectors were also tabled for members to consider.  Officers reported that 4 additional letters of objection had been received which raised issues of overlooking and overbearing, loss of privacy and light, gable ends not in keeping, height and scale and the harm caused to the street scene.  Bishopthorpe Parish Council had supplied further comments that the designs had changed little and that overbearing, overlooking, overshadowing and loss of light were still a concern.


The applicant addressed the committee and described her personal connection to the building as it had been designed by her grandfather and the extent to which they had attempted to redesign aspects to take account of objectors concerns.  The applicants agent added that as the original white brick is no longer available a satisfactory compromise was now being suggested and that it was felt that the overall scheme was in keeping with the character of the area.


Mr Mellors, representing objectors and Bishopthorpe Parish Council addressed the committee and expressed concern about the process of the report getting to committee and the tabling revised drawings curtailing the extent to which the Parish Council had chance to comment on them.  In addition, he expressed the view that the that there would be negative impact and overshadowing and over domination of other properties. 


RESOLVED:That the application be approved in line with the conditions and informatives in the report and the additional condition outlined below.


REASON:             The proposal complies with Policies H7 and GP1 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan (2005); national planning guidance contained in Planning Policy Satatement 1 “Delivering Sustainable Development” and supplementary design guidance contained in the City of York’s “A guide to extensions and alterations to provate dwelling houses”.


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