Issue - meetings

Service Plan Monitoring

Meeting: 05/09/2006 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 14)

14 Service Plan Performance Monitoring Period 1 (1 April - 31 July) :: Leisure and Culture pdf icon PDF 44 KB

This report analyses performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the Leisure and Culture budget.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report that analysed performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the leisure budget.


The report also detailed a number of suggested service cuts to offset a projected overspend of £196k  in Sports & Active Leisure services.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the performance of services within the directorate funded through the Leisure & Heritage budget;

(ii)               Agree the additional savings proposed in paragraph 6 of the report, totalling £101k

(iii)             Agree to fund any remaining budget shortfall up to a maximum of £95k from the Library Bookstock budget in 2006/07 with the recommendation to the Executive that this cost be met from contingency.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To update the Executive Member and manage the budget effectively.


Members considered a report that analysed performance by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services funded through the leisure budget.


The report also detailed a number of suggested service cuts to offset a projected overspend of £196k  in Sports & Active Leisure services created largely by the delay in the sale of the Barbican and the consequent delay in the planned capital investment in Edmund Wilson and Yearsley pools.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


(i)                 Note the performance of services within the directorate funded through the Leisure & Heritage budget;

(ii)               Agree the additional savings proposed in paragraph 6 of the report, totalling £101k

(iii)             Agree to fund any remaining budget shortfall up to a maximum of £95k from the Library Bookstock budget in 2006/07 with the recommendation to the Executive that this cost be met from contingency.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To update the Executive Member and manage the budget effectively.


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