Issue - meetings

Car Club - Update

Meeting: 07/06/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 12)

12 Car Club - Update pdf icon PDF 57 KB

This report provides an update on the position regarding the city car club project, which The Executive Member and Advisory Panel are asked to note, together with a recommendation to waive the parking tariff for car club bays within Council car parks for at least the first two years of operation.

Additional documents:


Members considered an update report on the position regarding the city car club project, the development of which had been contained within the Council’s second Local Transport Plan. Consideration was also given to a further update report, circulated at the meeting, which detailed the selection process undertaken in the choice of the final operator and the Officers recommendation.


Officers displayed a map of the area which showed areas of the city where surveys had been undertaken and positive interest received. The map also showed new developments where Section 106 negotiations had taken place, together with reasonably new development areas highlighted.


Members thanked Officers for progress made and the work undertaken in the selection process for obtaining a operator for the club. They questioned the type of vehicles proposed, length of partnership, the need for consultation on how the vehicle bays would be marked up and consultation with the Police on siting etc.


The report presented two options for consideration


a)     Approval of the previous report agreed to a discounted tariff for the bays in Council car parks.  Subsequent officer consideration of this (including discussions with the independent advisory charity CarPlus), leads to the conclusion that the Council should waive any tariff for at least the first 2 years of operation, with a review after this period and then annually thereafter.


b)       The alternative would be for the Council to impose a charge on the operator for the designation of bays for sole use by car club cars.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised


i)          To note the contents of this report, together with the supplementary update made at the meeting.


ii)         To agree that a further progress report is presented in the late   Autumn.


iii)        Approve the appointment of WhizzGo as the selected operator to provide a car club in York for a 5 year period.


iv)        To approve that  for the first two years of operation no parking tariff will   be sought by the Council relating to car club bays established within Council car parks. This will be reviewed at the end of this period and annually thereafter.





Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decisions, above, be endorsed.


REASON: To encourage the development of a car club in the city in accordance with Council Policy and wider objectives. 


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