Issue - meetings

Public Rights Of Way - Petition Seeking Closure of a Snicket Leading from Stratford Way, Huntington, onto New Lane

Meeting: 07/06/2006 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 11)

11 Public Rights Of Way - Petition Seeking Closure of a Snicket Leading from Stratford Way, Huntington, onto New Lane pdf icon PDF 64 KB

This report advises the Executive Member of the receipt of a petition signed by 70 residents living in Stratford Way, Huntington, requesting the closure of a snicket leading from Stratford Way onto New Lane, because of problems with criminal activity and anti-social behaviour. The report recommends that the snicket remains open for public use, including the installation of combined vehicle/pedestrian access gates.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which reported receipt of a petition signed by 70 residents living in Stratford Way, Huntington, requesting the closure of a snicket leading from Stratford Way, Huntington. The request related to problems encountered in the area with criminal activity and anti-social behaviour.


Officers confirmed that the snicket was an adopted highway in the control of the City of York Council and was therefore a public right of way. Its purpose was to provide an emergency access and route for pedestrians from New Lane into Stratford Way, which was a cul de sac.


Members questioned if the proposed gates would be adequate for disabled users and complied with DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) guidelines, if details were available of the incidences of crime in the area and whether better signage could be erected.


Consideration was given to the following options


Option A.            Do nothing and leave the snicket open to public use.


Option B.            Use S118 of the Highways Act 1980 to close the snicket.


Option C.            Close the snicket by means of a Gating Order.



Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to accept Option A and agree to


i)                    Note the petitioners’ request for closure; and   


ii)                  Refuse the request on the grounds that there is presently no available legislation, which would allow the closure of this emergency access route.


iii)                Explore the possibility of installing a metal construction combined vehicle and pedestrian access gate at each end of the snicket, which would still allow the lawful use by pedestrians, cyclists and the emergency services, but deter unlawful use by motorcyclists. Further consultations on the access gates to be undertaken with local residents and Ward Members.


iv)                Consider the effectiveness of the gates in 12 months time, against updated crime statistics.  If required, consider applying for a Gating Order under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, in accordance with the revised City of York Council Alleygating Policy, which is currently under review.


v)                  Refer the matters raised in the petition to North Yorkshire Police, for them to try and address the problems faced by the residents of Stratford Way, by the use of target led patrols in the area, in line with new Neighbourhood Policing Team strategies.


vi)        Officers to investigate further the request for a Traffic Regulation Order.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and the suggested decisions, above, be endorsed.


REASON:To try and alleviate problems with criminal activity and anti social behaviour in this area as there is presently no available legislation, which would allow the closure of this emergency access route.


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