Issue - meetings

Winter Maintenance Review 2011/12

Meeting: 04/10/2011 - Executive (Item 50)

50 Review of Severe Weather Response and the Winter Maintenance Policy pdf icon PDF 111 KB

This report informs Members of the work undertaken to review the Council’s severe weather response and the winter maintenance policy in preparation for the winter 2011/12.  It outlines the changes recommended to ensure that the issues raised during the prolonged period of bad weather during November and December 2010 are addressed. 

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the improvements made to service delivery, the introduction of the Snow Warden scheme and the equipment trial be noted.


(ii)      That a report back on these changes be brought to Cabinet during the summer of 2012.


REASON:            To ensure that the proposed equipment is capable of meeting expectations, that the effectiveness of the Snow Wardens is reviewed and that the response to heavy snow is effective.


Members considered a report which informed them of the work undertaken to review the Council’s severe weather response and winter maintenance policy in preparation for winter 2011/12, and outlined the changes proposed as a result of the review.


After the difficulties caused last winter by the worst weather conditions for 25-30 years, improvements had been made to the customer contact centre, opening hours, out of hours cover, e-mail handling and engagement with vulnerable groups.  Additional equipment, including gritting vehicles, snow plough attachments, footpath snow blowers and salt spreaders, would be hired on trial for evaluating and testing this winter before making a recommendation for 2012/13. 


Other plans included:

·        Inclusion in the Winter Maintenance Manual (WMM) the designated secondary road routes for salting, using information from last winter

·        Treatment of designated footpaths on the first day of a predicated period of three or more days below freezing

·        Inclusion in the WMM of a full list of elderly persons’ homes to receive treatment in heavy snow

·        Use of the same trigger as footpaths to determine treatments for off-road cycle tracks

·        Replacement of self-help salt bags with 50 extra standard salt bins

·        Introduction of a Snow Warden Scheme (detailed in Annex 1)

·        Trialling of an electronic stock control system for salt stocks.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the improvements made to service delivery, the introduction of the Snow Warden scheme and the equipment trial be noted.


(ii)      That a report back on these changes be brought to Cabinet during the summer of 2012. 1


REASON:            To ensure that the proposed equipment is capable of meeting expectations, that the effectiveness of the Snow Wardens is reviewed and that the response to heavy snow is effective.


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