Issue - meetings

Environmental Services Qtr 1 Service Plan Progress Report

Meeting: 20/09/2011 - Decision Session - Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, Planning and Sustainability (Item 4)

4 Environmental Services Quarter 1 Service Plan Progress Report. pdf icon PDF 210 KB

The purpose of this report is to provide the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods with an update on Financial Performance, progress against service plan improvement actions and performance measures for Environment.  Status cards for actions and performance measures are attached at Appendix 1 and 2.


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet Member noted the progress that has been made and agreed the revised timescales for those actions that are in progress but where the original estimated timescale has slipped for completion.


REASON:           To keep the Cabinet Member informed.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which provided an update on financial performance, progress against service plan improvement actions and performance measures for Environment. Status cards for actions and performance measures were attached at Appendix 1 and 2.


Officers outlined the report and drew the Cabinet Members attention to revised timescales where estimates had slipped.


The Cabinet Member queried the figures for missed bins as detailed at paragraph 9 and Officers advised that the numbers were now back at acceptable levels.


The Cabinet Member commented that Municipal Waste was something that she would like to look at in more detail in the future.


RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet Member noted the progress that has been made and agree the revised timescales for those actions that are in progress but where the original estimated timescale has slipped for completion.


REASON:           To keep the Cabinet Member informed.


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