Issue - meetings

Wigginton B1363 Mill Lane junction improvements

Meeting: 01/12/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for City Strategy (Item 57)

57 Wigginton: B1363 Mill Lane junction improvements pdf icon PDF 132 KB

This report advises the Executive Member of proposals to introduce traffic signals and a 40mph speed limit on the B1363 at the Mill Lane junction in Wigginton.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member approves for implementation the amended scheme shown at Annex B of the report.


REASON:                  To address road safety concerns and make turning manoeuvres easier for road users at the Mill Lane junction with the B1363 in Wigginton.


The Executive Member was advised of proposals to introduce traffic signals and a 40mph speed limit on the B1363 at the Mill Lane junction in Wigginton. The scheme was intended to make the junction safer and easier for turning traffic, whilst providing improved pedestrian crossing facilities.


Officers reported that the main features of the outline scheme design developed for consultation featured:

  • Traffic signals
  • Pedestrian phases at signals
  • Introduction f a 40mph speed limit and
  • Upgrading the existing road lighting.


Following consultation it was reported that a number of key changes had been made which included relocation of the bus stops, cycle feeder lanes and ‘Keep Clear’ markings opposite the access to Windmill Industrial Estate.


Councillor R Watson, as Local Member, thanked Officers for their comprehensive report and indicated his full support for the proposed scheme, which also had a high level of local support.


The Executive Member then considered the following options:


Option 1 - authorise implementation of the original scheme shown at Annex A


Option 2 - approve for implementation the scheme shown in Annex A with the revisions shown in Annex B, plus any other changes to the proposals that the Executive Member considers necessary.


Option 3 - abandon the scheme.



RESOLVED:             That the Executive Member approves for implementation the amended scheme shown at Annex B of the report. 1.


REASON:                  To address road safety concerns and make turning manoeuvres easier for road users at the Mill Lane junction with the B1363 in Wigginton.


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