Issue - meetings

Reserve list of Highways Schemes

Meeting: 21/07/2009 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Neighbourhoods and Housing. (Item 4)

4 Reserve list of Highways Schemes pdf icon PDF 37 KB

This report identifies additional highways schemes, some of which could be undertaken this financial year 2009/10, funded from within the service area and asks the Executive Member to approve the proposed list.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:   That the Executive Member:

·      Approve the split in funding between footways and roads.

·      Approve the provisional reserve list of possible schemes listed in Annex 1 of the agenda report.

Reason:  To ensure the Highway Maintenance budget is expended in the most cost effective way based on the Council's assessed priorities and approved policies.  It will not be evident until the latter end of the financial year as to how much money will be available to allocate to the reserve schemes, it is not anticipated that all of the schemes will be undertaken.  The list is much larger than any anticipated budget availability; this is to ensure some flexibility in the number of schemes to be completed with the finances available.



The Executive Member considered a report that identified additional highways schemes, some of which could be undertaken in this financial year 2009/10, funded from within the service area. The Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services was asked to approve the proposed list in Annex 1 of the report.


The Highway Asset Manager, Highway Maintenance Services, Neighbourhood Services, introduced the report and highlighted that efficiencies had been created with the merger of elements of City Strategy with the Civil Engineering Department in Neighbourhood Services. From the accrued savings, plus the pay back money from the Moor Lane Roundabout, this could then be used to fund additional resurfacing and reconstruction schemes.


The officer confirmed that the list had been drawn up in the usual way and that although there were no guarantees, the department was ready to go ahead once there was a clearer indication of the funding available towards the end of the financial year.


The Executive Member commented that she was happy to approve the list of schemes in Option 1 and noted that the list had been completed using the normal criteria. 


RESOLVED:   That the Executive Member:

·      Approve the split in funding between footways and roads.

·      Approve the provisional reserve list of possible schemes listed in Annex 1 of this report.

Reason:  To ensure the Highway Maintenance budget is expended in the most cost effective way based on the Council's assessed priorities and approved policies.  It will not be evident until the latter end of the financial year as to how much money will be available to allocate to the reserve schemes, it is not anticipated that all of the schemes will be undertaken.  The list is much larger than any anticipated budget availability; this is to ensure some flexibility in the number of schemes to be completed with the finances available.



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