Issue - meetings

Access York Phase 1 (Park & Ride) Major Scheme Bid Submission

Meeting: 03/02/2009 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 172)

172 Access York Phase 1 Park & Ride Development - Major Scheme Bid Submission pdf icon PDF 87 KB

This report provides an update on the progress of phase 1 of the Access York Project since the last report to the Executive in July 2008.  It recommends that Members authorise the submission of the Major Scheme Business Case to the Department for Transport (DfT), authorise the preparation of conditional contracts with the owners of the sites and agree in principle to the proposed funding sources for the Council’s local contribution to the scheme.


RESOLVED: (i)         That approval be given to submit the Major Scheme Business Case to the Department for Transport, subject to the endorsement of the Regional Transport Board and the approval of the Director of Resources.


                        (ii)        That approval be given to conclude negotiations for the acquisition of land for the sites and to complete conditional contracts where necessary to secure options for future purchase.


                        (iii)       That the proposed funding sources for the local contribution to the scheme be noted and that Officers be requested to refine this list in the light of other emerging opportunities, such as the increased funding available for the LTP and windfall revenue receipts.


REASON:      To enable the Access York Project to proceed and to ensure that all potential funding sources for the local contribution are explored.


Members considered a report which provided an update on the progress of Phase 1 of the Access York Project since the matter was last reported to Executive on 29 July 2008.


In principle, the scope and anticipated completion date of the Phase 1 scheme (Park and Ride sites) remained the same as set out in the July report.  However, there had been a number of changes to the content of the Major Scheme bid, following detailed design and assessment work.  These variations were set out in paragraph 7 of the report.  Although preparation of the bid had taken longer than anticipated, completion of the project was still expected within 2011/12.  Key programme milestones, and variations to the programme reported in July, were highlighted in the table at paragraph 10 of the report.  A consultant had been engaged to carry out a procurement options review, to ensure that the most appropriate procurement and delivery approach was progressed.  At this stage, the preferred contract for the project was NEC ECC Option C.


The current total revised cost of the scheme was £27.727m, requiring a Regional Funding Allocation (RFA) of £24.100m.  This represented a 15% increase on the original bid approved by the Regional Transport Board (RTB) last April.  The projected funding profile was set out in paragraph 26.  Funding for the local contribution would need to be identified to enable the bid to proceed and potential funding source were highlighted in paragraph 28.  Purchase of the land for the sites was a critical element of the project and negotiations had commenced with landowners of all the sites.  It was proposed to secure contracts on the Askham Bar and A59 sites in the near future and for the Clifton Moor site once a preferred site had been confirmed.


Members noted that the apparent increase in costs was in fact the result of a more refined and accurate cost assessment.  Final costs would only be known once the tendering stage had been reached.  They expressed their thanks to Officers for the work carried out on preparing the bid.


Having noted the comments of the Shadow Executive on this item, it was


RESOLVED: (i)         That approval be given to submit the Major Scheme Business Case to the Department for Transport, subject to the endorsement of the Regional Transport Board and the approval of the Director of Resources.1


                        (ii)        That approval be given to conclude negotiations for the acquisition of land for the sites and to complete conditional contracts where necessary to secure options for future purchase. 2


                        (iii)       That the proposed funding sources for the local contribution to the scheme be noted and that Officers be requested to refine this list in the light of other emerging opportunities, such as the increased funding available for the LTP and windfall revenue receipts. 3


REASON:      To enable the Access York Project to proceed and to ensure that all potential funding sources for the local contribution are explored.


Note:   Cllrs Moore and Vassie withdrew from the room  ...  view the full minutes text for item 172


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