Decision details

Quarter 1 April - June 2011, Finance and Performance update

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure & Tourism

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of report: To update the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion on the progress of the Communities and Culture's Service Plan and Performance indicators. The Cabinet Member is asked to: Note progress and agree remedial actions.


The Cabinet Member received a report which updated her on financial performance, progress against service plan improvement actions and performance measures in the Communities and Neighbourhoods directorate.


RESOLVED:        (i)     That the report be noted.


                           (ii)       That the revised timescales for actions that are in progress, but where the original estimated timescale has slipped for completion be agreed.


REASON:                     To ensure that those actions where the estimated timescales have slipped are completed within the revised timescales without detriment to the quality of action taken.



Report author: Sharon Brown

Publication date: 11/10/2011

Date of decision: 11/10/2011

Decided at meeting: 11/10/2011 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Communities

Effective from: 14/10/2011

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