Decision details

Acomb Road Safety Update

Decision Maker: Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired, Executive Member for Transport

Decision status: Decision Made

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Purpose of Report: The report will update the Executive Member on the engagement and progress on road safety issues highlighted by residents and local Ward Councillors on Acomb road in the area of Acomb Primary School.

The Executive Member will be asked to note the representations, scope and progress of the work on safety on Acomb Road and approve recommendations.

Decision due date for Executive Member for Transport changed from 14/03/2023 to 21/03/2023.  Reason: An additional Executive Member for Transport will be held on 21 March 2023 to reduce the volume of business on 14 March 2023.




                      i.         That the council promote and relaunch the existing campaign to recruit a school crossing patroller on Acomb Road;

                     ii.         That officers work with HR to review school crossing patrol role and terms and conditions;

                    iii.        That a review of the policy for pedestrian crossings and bring to an Executive Member decision session;

                   iv.        To collect speed data currently on Acomb Road to determine the level of compliance with the 30mph limit;

                     v.        Add the section of Acomb Road in the vicinity of the crossing points to Acomb Primary school and West Bank park to the Speed Limit review programme to see whether the speed limit can be reduced to 20mph;

                   vi.        Ensure that speed limits review form part of the considerations of the Acomb Road Active Travel scheme;

                  vii.        Noted Ward scheme to improve conditions for cyclists and Safer route to school schemes on Hamilton Drive;

                 viii.        Ensure the 30mph speed limit issue is reviewed

as part of these schemes on Hamilton Drive;

                   ix.        Officers to explore the feasibility of crossing improvements on Acomb Road including collecting the data on pedestrian and traffic movements to see if this meets the criteria in Department for Transport guidance and Council policy for a safe place for a pedestrian crossing;

                     x.        That a traffic modelling review the impact of a banned right turn from Grantham Drive onto Acomb Road be undertaken;

                   xi.        Delegate to the Director of Environment, Transport and Planning a review of the lining on West Bank and advertise a Traffic Regulation Order.  Delegate to the Director Environment, Transport and Planning for implementation if there are no objections;

                  xii.        Implement signage improvements where



Reason:     To respond to resident concerns around road safety in the area.


Report author: Dave Atkinson

Publication date: 21/03/2023

Date of decision: 21/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 21/03/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Effective from: 24/03/2023

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