106      Present                       Mr R Shedden (Chairman), Mr R Spilman (Vice Chairman),

Mr P Bielby, Mr A Boddy, Mr P Cowton, Mr I Galtrey, Cllr A Hook, Mr G Robinson


                                                In attendance - Mr N Everard (Clerk of the Board)


107      Apologies                    Mr A Mansell, Cllr Mrs I Sanderson


108      Declaration of            None



109      Minutes                      The minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2022 were

approved and there were no matters arising.


110      Maintenance              The Chairman reported on the work undertaken since the last



111      Consulting                  The Consulting Engineer’s report dated June 2022 together with

Engineer’s Report     details of planning applications considered and consents issued to 31st May 2022 were approved.


                                    The Finance Committee were authorised to offer a 12 month contract with Morrison & Son for the 2022/23 maintenance season following satisfactory completion of the works at Longbridge Beck.


                                    The Board will consider at the next meeting whether to authorise the Consulting Engineer to proceed with tendering for future watercourse maintenance for 2023/24 onwards.


                                    The rate per metre was approved at 74 pence for the forthcoming season.


                                    Members expressed concern over a development at Tollerton and the Clerk was instructed to contact the Consulting Engineer to confirm that the Board’s interest had being protected.


112      Risk Management     The Board approved the current risk management strategy and policy. 

            Strategy and              The Clerk reported that the Health and Safety review was outstanding  

Policy                          and was to be scheduled following the meeting with regard to contractors. 


113      ADA Update              The Clerk confirmed that ADA had secured a relaxation with the

Definition from solely to mainly for the benefit of agriculture and subject to compliance with this the Board could continue to utilise red diesel.


The Clerk reported on the tenants of the ADA Northern Branch conference and in future the AGM was to be moved to October/November to free up the May/June meeting for a tour or inspection. 


The Clerk reported that the ADA National AGM was to be held online with the conference to be held in Peterborough on a hybrid basis.  It was hoped that a demonstration would be held in 2023.


114      Audit                          The Clerk reported on the report received from internal auditors and

                                                confirmed that there were no matters to be brought to the attention of

                                                the Board.


114a    Effectiveness of         The Board approved the Internal Control Review for the year ended

            the System of             31st March 2022.

            Internal Control


114b    Annual                       The Board approved the Annual Government Statement (section 1 of

            Government               the Agar) for the year ended 31st March 2022.



115      Accounting                 The Board considered and approved the Accounting Statement

Statements                 (section 2 of the Agar) for the year ended 31st March 2022.  The Chairman and             Clerk were authorised to sign on behalf of the Board.


116      Appointed                  The Board reported that Hambleton District Council had confirmed

            Members                    Councillor Mrs I Sanderson to be a representee on the Board subject

to any changes effective from 1st April 2023 when North Yorkshire County Council would become the Special Levy Board.  The details from the City of York Council were awaited.


117      Direct Labour            In accordance with the ADA white book the Board approved an

                                                increase of 2.5% with effect from 1st April 2022 subject to individual

                                                regrading’s which were delegated to the Finance Committee. 


118      The Electoral             The Electoral Register would be placed on deposit and appropriately

            Register                      advertised for the forthcoming election in October.



119      Accounts                    Accounts for Payment Schedule numbers 28, 29, 30, 30.1, 31 and

for Payment               32 were approved in the amounts of  £8,801.73, £48,065.60, £18,444.59, £25,552.42, £13,713.57 and £7,920.37 respectively.


120      Next Meeting             The Clerk reported that the next meeting was scheduled for Monday

31st October 2022 at the Galtres Centre, Easingwold.






