Officer decisions

In the case of key decisions, officers must record their decision on the system within two working days of the decision being made. Members will then have a further two working days in which to call-in the decision.

In the case of non-key decisions, these must be recorded as soon as reasonably practical and normally within five working days of the decision being made.

To see the list of Planning Decisions see : Weekly Planning Decision List

As a Licensing Authority we also have a duty to produce a register which shows licensing decisions made by Council officers

Officer decisions
Title Date
Advertise an Amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order to introduce ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in Mansfield Street 12/07/2024
Addition disabled parking bay to the Traffic Regulation Order 12/07/2024
To remove disabled parking bays from the Traffic Regulation Order 12/07/2024
To award the Healthwatch York contract 2024-2028 to York CVS 08/07/2024
Amendments to the Waste Policy regarding the introduction of a garden waste subscription service. 05/07/2024
This decision is to limit the value of resettlement support paid through York financial Assistance Scheme (YFAS) to £500 per family (This includes single people), to cap the monthly spend through YFAS to £20,000 per month during the rest of the 2024/ 03/07/2024
Ward Schemes (Batch 5) – Approval of Ward Revenue Budget Spend 2024 03/07/2024


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