Issue details

Retail Relief 2019

Purpose of Report: To approve the retail relief policy for 2019 introduced by Central Government in its Autumn Statement.

The Government have produced the policy guidelines however the council must approve its own policy based upon these as a condition of the grant to allow it to make the awards.

The Council aims to give the same 28 day notice of non-key decisions, as it does for key decisions, but in exceptional circumstances this may not be possible. In this case, the item will not have been on the forward plan for 28 days due to a government deadline requiring all councils to have an approved scheme in place for April 1 and this being the final meeting of the municipal year.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/02/2019

Decision due: 11/03/19 by Executive Leader (incorporating Finance & Performance)
Reason: This item will not have been on the forward plan for 28 days prior to the decision being taken, this is due to a government deadline needing all councils to have an approved scheme in place prior to the April 1.

Lead member: Councillor Ian Gillies, Leader of the Council and Executive Leader (incorporating Finance and Performance)

Lead director: Corporate Director of Customer and Corporate Services

Contact: David Walker, Head of Customer and Exchequer Services Email: Email:


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