Issue details

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the alleyways between Barbican Road/Willis Street, Willis Street/Gordon Street and Gordon Street/Wolsley Street, Fishergate Ward, using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation

Purpose of Report: To decide whether or not to seal and make operative the Draft Public Spaces Protection Order.

The Executive Member is asked to make a decision based on the recommendations.


This item has been deferred to 12 November 2015 because officers are still awaiting final consultation details therefore are unable to make the necessary deadlines to meet the 15 October meeting.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Decision Made

Wards affected: Fishergate Ward;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/09/2015

Decision due: 12/11/15 by Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired

Lead member: Executive Member for Transport and Planning

Department: Directorate of Economy and Place

Contact: Alison Newbould Email:


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