Issue - decisions

Petition regarding traffic problems in Horner Street, Wilberforce Avenue and Cromer Street

07/06/2007 - Petition regarding traffic problems in Horner Street, Cromer Street and Wilberforce Avenue requesting traffic calming and/or measures to prevent through traffic

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to adopt the proposals in paragraphs 8 & 9 of the report :


8. To carry out a detailed assessment of the traffic issues in the Horner Street, Cromer Street and Wilberforce Avenue area for inclusion within the ‘Six monthly review of speeding issues’. The next report is scheduled for the Meeting of Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel on 16 July 2007 and the assessment could be included in this report. If due to unforeseen circumstances this is not feasible, the assessment could be included in the next six monthly review.

9. To make North Yorkshire Police aware of the petition and request that they consider routine speed enforcement.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  The proposal will ensure that residents’ concerns are investigated and assessed using the data led method of assessment. The proposal will allow this request to be considered against other speeding issues identified over the preceding six months.


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