Issue - decisions

Housing Business Plan

12/12/2006 - Housing Revenue Account Business Plan

Members considered a report which sought approval of the Revised Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2006/7-2008/9.


Two options were presented to Members:


Option 1 – To approve the Business Plan.

Option 2 – To ask for changes to the Business Plan.


The Business Plan set out the detailed financial plan for investment in council homes to ensure all achieve the decent homes standard by 2010. At present  approximately 1,034 (13% of all council homes) did not meet the standard currently. The business plan sets out the timetable and investment profile to ensure that zero non-decent homes would be achieved by 2010/11. This was a key government objective and a priority in the Council’s Corporate Strategy 2006-9.


It was queried whether in the capital summary under paragraph 17, the £1912k expenditure on assistance to older and disabled people included the increase of £50k for adaptations. Officers reported that the £1912k did include the £50k increase for adaptations.


The Labour Group reserved their position.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to approve the business plan (Option 1).


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  A thorough review of the plan took place in consultation with members, residents and Government office in 2005, and this year’s plan represents only minor amendments to the existing plan projections and an update on progress.


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