Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account Service Plan Monitoring – Outturn Report

07/06/2006 - Housing Revenue Account Service Plan Monitoring – Outturn Report

Members considered a report that provided an overview of progress on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Service Plan agreed in April 2005.


The report advised that the latest approved estimated balance carried forward of £2,832k had increased by £2,307k to £5,139k at outturn. £1,510k of the working balance would be required to fund the capital programme in 2006/07 and £19,800 would be required to fund the carry forward requests below leaving a net surplus of £3,609k on the HRA. This was an increase of £42k on the balance of £3,567k forecast in the previous quarterly monitoring report.  Members were reminded that this surplus was required in future years to meet the decent homes standard in line with the approved HRA business plan.

The carry forward requests which met the criteria were as follows:-






Retendering of jobbing repairs - carry forward to cover any outstanding training or IT issues associated with the establishment of the repairs partnership and work to investigate the procurement of the adaptations contract as a potential addition to the partnership







To fund a tenant’s DVD, procurement of which commenced in 05/06


To fund follow up work related to the Annual Housing Service Monitor completed in 05/06






The Executive Member for Housing expressed her thanks to the Tenancy Management Team and the Specialist Income Management Team for their achievements in reducing rent arrears to their lowest figure for 10 years.


Advice of the Advisory Panel:


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to


(i)                 Note the achievements, and progress that was required in specific areas

(ii)               Agree the carry forward requests detailed above and refer them to the Executive


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing:



That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.



To inform the Executive Member of objectives that have been met and service plan delivered within the approved budget.


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