Issue - decisions

Waste Services - Service Delivery options for 2012/13 and 2013/14

12/02/2013 - Waste Services - Service Delivery Options 2012/13 and 2013/14

RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:

i)             Give approval to undertake consultation on the options for garden waste.

ii)       Give approval to undertake consultation on amending the opening hours at Towthorpe HWRC and

iii)          Receive a further report following these consultations before making a final decision.

iv)          Give approval to introduce the changes set out in Paragraphs 25 and 26 with the exception of the changes to the opening hours of Towthorpe HWRC, which are subject to consultation.

REASON:           To enable the Council to meet its statutory and policy targets and continue to provide a high quality waste collection and disposal service that is financially sustainable and provides a robust base for future growth.



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