Issue - decisions

Get York Building

12/02/2013 - Get York Building - Economic Growth, A Case for Change


RESOLVED:       That Cabinet agree to:


i)       Option1 as set out in Paragraph 20 of the report to:

·     Update the Affordable Housing Targets (as set out in Table 1) and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·     Accept, on sites of less than 15 homes in rural areas, an off site financial contribution in lieu of on site affordable housing, (as set out in Annex 1) for a period of 18 months and approve as a material consideration for Development Management purposes;

·     Invest £1m in addressing overcrowding in existing council homes from the HRA;

·     Agree a first phase of building new council homes with funding from the HRA as set out in the HRA Business Plan.

·     Work up options for a mortgage advice scheme;

·     Review general S106 requirements and development of new approaches to facilitate greater flexibility in the payment of contributions

·     Develop opportunities for Institutional investment in to new Private Rented Sector homes within the city. 


REASON:            To ensure that the council plays a full and active leadership role in delivering quality sustainable new homes, creating jobs and growing the economy of the city.





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