Issue - meetings

Acknowledgement of Petitions

Meeting: 28/09/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 22)

22 Acknowledgement of Petitions pdf icon PDF 623 KB

The purpose of this paper is to acknowledge and address a number of petitions that have been submitted to Highways and Transport.

Additional documents:




Speed calming measures on New Lane, Holgate.


                          i.        Noted progress on the speed management scheme, which was moving into consultation on options.

                        ii.        Noted a decision on the implementation of the option would be brought to an Executive Member for Transport decision session later this year.


Thirkleby Way / Farndale Avenue Highway condition.


                       iii.        Noted that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action would be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage.

                      iv.        That a discussion would be had with the Ward Councillors to consider resolution, through Ward funding, if possible. The condition will be subject to the annual highway maintenance review and if the circumstances change an intervention will be appropriately prioritised.


Petition from Compton Street, Grove View & Rosslyn Street

Residents for Residents Parking scheme in their area


                        v.        Approved the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


Residents of Stockton on the Forest and Hopgrove seeking a

new footpath and road safety improvements in their area


                      vi.        Noted that engagement would be undertaken with Ward Councillors to scope out the detail of the request and look to work into the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure plan and the safety elements in the Transport capital programme in 2023/2024.


Petition for Road Resurfacing of the Village’ Earswick and the Culde-Sacs of Shilton Garth Close and Stabler’s Walk.


                     vii.        Noted that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage. A discussion will be had with the Ward Councillors to consider resolution, through Ward funding, if possible. The condition will be subject to the annual highway maintenance review and if the circumstances change an intervention would be appropriately prioritised.


Petition from Huntington Road Area Residents.


                    viii.        Approved the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


Petition from Dodsworth Avenue Residents.


                      ix.        Approved the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


Residents of Harcourt street area asking the council to

investigate options to create a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in

their area.


                        x.        Approved the approach to engage with Ward Councillors to discuss options to fund an initial options development piece.

                      xi.        Approved the development of an approach to the delivery of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods to be brought back to a decision session next calendar year.


Reason:     To respond to residents’ concerns and implement, if possible, the appropriate measure.


The report provided an update to the Executive Member on petitions received in relation to the Transport portfolio. The Executive Member considered the petitions, several were in relation to residents parking and it was confirmed they would be added to the waiting list for consideration.


Other petitions were noted as being in relation to the condition of the highway. It was noted that the Executive had approved the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan in October of 2021 and this plan was used to determine each year which roads were prioritised for improvements. Officers noted that there was not a sufficient budget to be able to improve the entire road network and therefore officers would meet with Ward Councillors about the possibility of using ward highway budgets for these highways improvements.


Petitions in relation to speed calming measures were noted and the Executive Member noted the progress on the speed management scheme, he also noted that residents could raise concerns with the Safer York Partnership who worked alongside the police.


A question had been raised by a member of the public about why a newly adopted road Government House Grove would see maintenance improvements by the council. Officers noted that the Council had maintained the road for around 20 years but that historical records had meant the Council only formally adopted the street recently, they noted that the street required improvements and qualified appropriately under Council policy.




Speed calming measures on New Lane, Holgate.


                          i.        Noted progress on the speed management scheme, which was moving into consultation on options.

                        ii.        Noted a decision on the implementation of the option would be brought to an Executive Member for Transport decision session later this year.


Thirkleby Way / Farndale Avenue Highway condition.


                       iii.        Noted that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action would be taken in terms of the scheduled highway maintenance programme at this stage.

                      iv.        That a discussion would be had with the Ward Councillors to consider resolution, through Ward funding, if possible. The condition will be subject to the annual highway maintenance review and if the circumstances change an intervention will be appropriately prioritised.


Petition from Compton Street, Grove View & Rosslyn Street

Residents for Residents Parking scheme in their area


                        v.        Approved the addition of this area to the residents parking waiting list and consider the extent of the potential consultation area when it reaches the top of the list.


Residents of Stockton on the Forest and Hopgrove seeking a

new footpath and road safety improvements in their area


                      vi.        Noted that engagement would be undertaken with Ward Councillors to scope out the detail of the request and look to work into the Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure plan and the safety elements in the Transport capital programme in 2023/2024.


Petition for Road Resurfacing of the Village’ Earswick and the Culde-Sacs of Shilton Garth Close and Stabler’s Walk.


                     vii.        Noted that due to the condition and the priority of an intervention no action will  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22


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