Issue - meetings

Active Travel Programme

Meeting: 19/07/2022 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 15)

15 Active Travel Programme pdf icon PDF 443 KB

This report presents updated information on the progress of the Active Travel Programme, including recommendations for decisions relating to individual projects within the programme.

Additional documents:




                      i.         Approved the Project Outline for the City Centre Cycle Parking Improvements scheme attached in Annex 1.


Proceed to undertake Feasibility work to understand costs, timescales, outline designs and consultation feedback to inform a further decision prior to implementation.


Reason:     To provide clarity on the objectives and scope of the

proposed scheme.


                     ii.         Approved the Project Outline for the ‘People Streets at Clifton Green Primary School’ scheme attached in Annex 2.


Proceed to undertake Feasibility work to understand costs, timescales, outline designs and consultation feedback to inform a further decision prior to implementation.


Reason:     To provide clarity on the objectives and scope of the

proposed scheme.


                    iii.        Approved the Project Outline for the ‘People Streets at Badger Hill Primary School’ scheme attached in Annex 3.


Proceed to undertake Feasibility work to understand costs, timescales, outline designs and consultation feedback to inform a further decision prior to implementation.


Reason:     To provide clarity on the objectives and scope of the

proposed scheme.


                   iv.        Agreed to make the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order relating to Navigation Road cycle scheme permanent.


Reason:     To successfully conclude the Navigation Road trial scheme.

                     v.        Confirmed that the proposals presented for the City Centre Bridges scheme align with the approved Project Outline, and decide to proceed with consultation, detailed design and implementation.


Reason:     To support progress towards implementation of a solution.


                   vi.        That officers work with the Department for Transport and Sustrans to use the existing funding to explore the feasibility of a new bridge for pedestrians and cyclists on the A1237.


For officers to consider whether in the longer term if active travel provision could be considered as part of the Outer Ring Road works.


For officers to explore shorter term options to improve safety are to be explored through the separate Safety Scheme Review process within the Transport Capital Programme.


Reason:     To consider options to create a safe crossing on the A1237.


                  vii.        That officers explore with the Department for Transport and Sustrans the possibility of undertaking feasibility work for a smaller scheme.


Reason:     To consider options for an affordable scheme to be undertaken.


                 viii.        Noted the outcome of the feasibility work for the ‘People Streets at Ostman Road’ scheme laid out in section 125 and decide to seek further funding before proceeding to implementation. Seek Active Travel grant funding support at the next round of bidding.

However, do not progress with detailed design work on Design Option 1 presented within Annex 8.


Reason:     Feasibility work indicates that whilst a practically achievable scheme has been identified, there is currently insufficient budget to deliver the scheme.


Officers introduced the report into the Active Travel Programme and highlighted the progress with a number of schemes such as Navigation Road. It was confirmed that some schemes officers considered were unable to be delivered with the current budget for the program, confirming that some schemes costs had been underestimated and therefore bid funding was insufficient to deliver these schemes. Consequently it was noted that it was recommended that some funding be reallocated to deliverable schemes.


The Executive Member discussed the City Centre Cycle Parking improvements scheme with Officers and approved the scheme but wished to note the decision was also taking into account other work within the city centre. The trial of a last mile freight hub was discussed as well as the need for more cycle parking close to the footstreets. More secure cycle parking was also discussed as a way of encouraging residents to feel safer about parking bikes in the city.


The Executive Member approved the undertaking of feasibility work for the two People Streets schemes at Clifton Green Primary School and Badger Hill Primary School. He also acknowledged the feasibility work undertaken in relation to Ostman Road and noted the significant cost associated with each of the options in the report. The Executive Member stated that he would like consultation with stakeholders and ward councillors to be undertaken on the different options outlined in the report. He noted that as he was of a mind not reallocate funds from other schemes he didn’t wish for funding to be spent on design work until a preferred option was agreed. He did support including Ostman Road in a future funding bid for Active Travel funding to deliver the scheme.


Officers confirmed that the changes to Navigation Road to improve cycling provisions had had a positive response from cyclists and pedestrians and therefore would recommend the changes be made permanent. Some objections from motorists had been received and were considered, it was confirmed that the provisional changes had not had a significantly negative impact on the road network and therefore the Executive Member agreed to make the changes permanent.


A small scheme on City Centre Bridges to add signage to encourage safer passing of cyclists was approved. The Executive Member noted that he was pleased that the police had an interest in addressing close passing. A no overtaking sign was noted as having been considered and rejected and it was noted that changes to the speed limit was also discussed but Officers deemed that changes to the speed limit should be kept as part of wider schemes.

Officers confirmed that crossing on the A1237 was not a pleasant or safe crossing for cyclists however, there was insufficient funds to deliver an improved crossing. Consultants for the Council it was confirmed had been unable to identify a step forward. It was discussed whether funding could be secured for improvements to be undertaken as part of a safety scheme, however, the low accident record at the crossing could affect  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15


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