Issue - meetings

Housing General Fund 2006/07 Service Plan and Budget Second Monitoring Report

Meeting: 11/12/2006 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 57)

Housing General Fund Service Plan – Second Monitor

This report provides the Executive Member with updates and progress on Housing General Fund Service Plan agreed from April 2006. A separate report details the Housing Revenue Account.


Members received a report which provided the Executive Member with updates and progress on Housing General Fund Service Plan agreed from April 2006. A separate report detailed the Housing Revenue Account.


The original budget estimate for Housing General Fund approved by Members was £1,333k. After approval of savings and growth and other approvals including insurance and recharge adjustments, the approved Housing General Fund budget was now £1,212k. This review indicated that there was a forecast underspend of £67k. 

Members commented that the figures on the percentage of minor adaptations installed within 7 days from assessment was exceptional.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to note the progress and achievements made in delivering the Housing General Fund Service Plan.


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member on progress on the service plan and progress against objectives.


Members received a report which provided the Executive Member with updates and progress on Housing General Fund Service Plan agreed from April 2006. A separate report detailed the Housing Revenue Account.


The original budget estimate for Housing General Fund approved by Members was £1,333k. After approval of savings and growth and other approvals including insurance and recharge adjustments, the approved Housing General Fund budget was now £1,212k. This review indicated that there was a forecast underspend of £67k. 

Members commented that the figures on the percentage of minor adaptations installed within 7 days from assessment was exceptional.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to note the progress and achievements made in delivering the Housing General Fund Service Plan.


Decision of the Executive Member for Housing


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member on progress on the service plan and progress against objectives.


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