Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the alleyways between Knavesmire Crescent/Curzon Terrace and Curzon Terrace/Albemarle Road, Micklegate Ward, using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation

Meeting: 03/03/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 62)

62 Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the following alleyways using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation; Knavesmire Crescent/Curzon Terrace and Curzon Terrace/Albemarle Road pdf icon PDF 191 KB

The above Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) have been requested by Safer York Partnership (SYP).  This report provides details of the public consultations which have been carried out and the subsequent results.  Delegated Authority exists for the Director of City and Environmental Services to seal (make operative) the  PSPO, however as formal objections have been received, the Executive Member is asked to make the decision as to whether or not to seal these draft PSPOs.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the Executive Member agrees not to seal the Public Spaces Protection Orders to restrict public rights over the alleyways between Knavesmire Crescent /Curzon Terrace and Curzon Terrace/Albemarle Road in the Micklegate Ward.

Reason:    The number of objections received would suggest that this scheme would not be appropriate for this area, and the money saved could be better used.  Previous schemes had shown that where gates have been installed, without the full support of all residents, it can lead to gates being misused and local tensions between supporters and objectors.



Consideration was given to a report which detailed a request made by the Safer York Partnership for a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to alleviate anti social behaviour in the alley ways in the Knavesmire Crescent, Curzon Terrace and Albemarle Road areas.


The Executive Member considered the results of the statutory consultation and noted that a total of 13 objections had been received to both schemes. In view of these objections and the low number of reported anti social behaviour incidents in the area he agreed that the proposals would not be suitable for the area. He confirmed however that this would not preclude consideration of the gating of the alleyways at a later date, if felt necessary.


Resolved:  That the Executive Member agrees not to seal the Public Spaces Protection Orders to restrict public rights over the alleyways between Knavesmire Crescent /Curzon Terrace and Curzon Terrace/Albemarle Road in the Micklegate Ward.

Reason:    The number of objections received would suggest that this scheme would not be appropriate for this area, and the money saved could be better used.  Previous schemes had shown that where gates have been installed, without the full support of all residents, it can lead to gates being misused and local tensions between supporters and objectors.



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