Issue - meetings

Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the following alleyway using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation: Brownlow Street/Eldon Street (Guildhall Ward)

Meeting: 03/03/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 64)

64 Public Rights of Way - Proposal to restrict public rights over the following alleyway using Public Spaces Protection Order legislation: Brownlow Street/Eldon Street (Guildhall Ward) pdf icon PDF 192 KB

The above Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) has been requested by residents, Ward Councillors and Safer York Partnership (SYP). This report provides details of the public consultations which have been carried out and the subsequent results.  As no representations have been received following the formal consultation, and the scheme appears to be fully supported, the Executive Member is asked to seal and make operative this PSPO. This scheme is the final location in the alley gating scheme as the capital funding allocation has been fully utilised.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the Executive Member agrees to:

(i)        Seal and make operative the Public Spaces Protection Order for Brownlow Street/Eldon Street in the Guildhall Ward.

(ii)      Note the completion of the current capital funded alley gating programme.

Reason:    No formal objections or representations have arisen as a result of the formal consultation and the scheme appears to have the full support of the community and Ward Councillors.



The Executive Member considered a report which provided details of public consultation undertaken in response to a request from residents, Ward Members and the Safer York Partnership for a Public Spaces Protection Order. With the purpose of the Order being to restrict public rights over the alleyway between Brownlow Street and Eldon Street in the Guildhall Ward.

Officers confirmed this alley gating scheme was the final location to be considered in the current programme for the delivery of new schemes following the utilisation of the capital funding allocation. It was noted that any future requests would be listed for consideration should a budget be allocated in the future.

In view of the support received from residents and Members for this scheme the Executive Member raised no objection to the sealing of the PSPO.

Resolved:  That the Executive Member agrees to:

(i)        Seal and make operative the Public Spaces Protection Order for Brownlow Street/Eldon Street in the Guildhall Ward.

(ii)      Note the completion of the current capital funded alley gating programme.

Reason:    No formal objections or representations have arisen as a result of the formal consultation and the scheme appears to have the full support of the community and Ward Councillors.



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