Issue - meetings

Consideration of Petition received from Residents of Ableton Grove and South Lane (Haxby)

Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 51)

51 Consideration of Petitions received from Residents of Haxby and Wigginton pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Councillor Richardson presented two petitions in November 2015 requesting that the Council implement parking restrictions in Ableton Grove and South Lane. This report details the background and options that could be taken.

Additional documents:


Resolved: That the matters are closed and no further action be taken.


Reason:   Both areas were included and considered earlier this year as part of the 2015 Review of Waiting Restrictions. A recommendation of no further action was confirmed by the Director of City and Environmental Services. Extracts from this report are attached as Annex A (Abelton Grove) and Annex B (South Lane).


The Executive Member received a report which detailed the options that could be taken in response to two petitions submitted by Councillor Richardson in respect of implementing parking restrictions on Abelton Grove and South Lane.


The Executive Member reported that he had received an email from Councillor Richardson requesting more meaningful engagement with residents.


Officers stated that they had investigated the reported requests  but they advised the Executive Member that the situation was similar across the city.


The Executive Member suggested that residents could put a white line in front of their properties and residents parking could be investigated, and that Haxby Town Council might wish to come up some proposals to submit to Officers.


Resolved: That the matters are closed and no further action be taken.


Reason:   Both areas were included and considered earlier this year as part of the 2015 Review of Waiting Restrictions. A recommendation of no further action was confirmed by the Director of City and Environmental Services. Extracts from this report are attached as Annex A (Abelton Grove) and Annex B (South Lane).


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