Issue - meetings

Petitions: Langdale Avenue and Rydal Avenue Area - Highway Condition and Nevinson Grove, Stirling Grove, Wilsthorpe Grove (Heslington Lane) - request for inclusion in future resurfacing plans

Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 58)

58 Petitions: Langdale Avenue and Rydal Avenue Area - Highway Condition and Nevinson Grove, Stirling Grove, Wilsthorpe Grove (Heslington Lane) - request for inclusion in future resurfacing plans pdf icon PDF 201 KB

This report concerns two petitions that have been received relating to highway condition and adoption of private streets;


  •  A petition was raised at the 8 October 2015 Council Meeting by Cllr Ayre on behalf of 49 residents in the Langdale Avenue and Rydal Avenue area regarding the condition of the areas highways.
  • A petition from Cllr. Aspden was received at Full Council on 26 March 2015 representing 24 residents on Nevinson Grove, Stirling Grove, Wilsthorpe Grove in the Heslington Lane area.


Additional documents:


Resolved: That the findings of the investigations surrounding the petitions be noted and the review of the existing policy for the adoption of private streets be approved.


Reason:  To ensure that the most appropriate policy is in place relating to the adoption of private streets.


The Executive Member received a report which concerned two petitions that related to highway condition and the adoption of private streets. It also asked him to approve a review of the existing policy for the adoption of private streets.


Officers informed the Executive Member that there were approximately 100 unadopted roads in York, and that residents would have to be in agreement before a street could be adopted. The responsibility for funding bringing a road up to adoptable standard rested with the frontagers of the street with a potential contribution from the Council under the existing policy. Funding for the future maintenance of the street would be allocated from Council resources once it was adopted by the Council.


Resolved: That the findings of the investigations surrounding the petitions be noted and the review of the existing policy for the adoption of private streets be approved.


Reason:  To ensure that the most appropriate policy is in place relating to the adoption of private streets.


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