Issue - meetings

City Centre Access Update

Meeting: 12/11/2015 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport - Expired (Item 27)

27 City Centre Strategy pdf icon PDF 118 KB

This report asks the Executive Member to consider options for further investigation regarding the regulation of vehicles and other operational issues in the central retail area of the city.


Additional documents:


Resolved:       That the Executive Member approved the further investigation into the regulation of the City Centre as identified in Options 2, 4, 6 and 11 to include Spen Lane.


                         That consideration be given to the enforcement of the regulations.


                             That Officers also look at cycle parking facilities in the city centre.


Reason:              To enable a comprehensive and coherent review of the operation of the public highway in the city centre to be undertaken with the aim of minimising the impact of vehicular traffic whilst maintaining access for visitors, residents and businesses where appropriate.



The Executive Member considered a report which outlined options for further investigation regarding the regulation of vehicles and other operational issues in the central retail area of the city.


Officers outlined the report and in response to the comments made by a registered speaker, confirmed that Spen Lane should of been included in the map at Annex A of the report.


The Executive Member commented that he supported the comments made about the enforcement of restrictions in the City Centre and the difficulties surrounding what Council Officers are able to enforce. He acknowledged that the Council can help with measures such as bollards and signage but officers would need to consult with all organisations in the City Centre to find solutions. He also asked that cycle parking facilities be reviewed.



Resolved:           That the Executive Member:


(i)      Approved the further investigation into the regulation of the City Centre as identified in Options 2,4,6 and 11 to include Spen Lane.


(ii)      Requested that consideration be given to the practicality of enforcement of the regulations.


(iii)     Requested that Officers review cycle parking facilities in the City Centre.



Reason:              To enable a comprehensive and coherent review of the operation of the public highway in the city centre to be undertaken with the aim of minimising the impact of vehicular traffic whilst maintaining access for visitors, residents and businesses where appropriate.



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