Issue - meetings

Council Depot, Foss Islands Road, York, YO31 7UL (06/00333/REMM)

Meeting: 27/07/2006 - Planning Committee (Item 13)

13 Council Depot, Foss Islands Road, York, YO31 7UL (06/00333/REMM) pdf icon PDF 58 KB

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Members considered a major reserved matters  application, submitted by Keyland Gregory (retail) Ltd. and Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc., for the variation of condition 1 (schedule of approved plans) of the reserved matters decision notice for the proposed Foss Islands Retail Park to show an amended site layout and elevational changes (Ref: 06/00333/REMM).


Representations were received from York Natural Environment Trust in objection to the application and from the applicant’s agent in support of the application.


RESOLVED:                        That the application be approved, subject to:


(a)    The Secretary of State allowing the Local Planning Authority to determine the application;


(b)    The amendment of the Section 106 Agreement to refer to this variation application;


(c)     The conditions listed in the report, supplementing those on reserved matters approval 04/04381/REM.


REASON:In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to highway safety, visual amenity, setting of the listed building, drainage and flooding.  As such the proposal complies with Policies of Regional Planning Guidance Note 12, Revised Spatial Strategy for Yorkshire and Humber (2004), Policies T10 and E4 of the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan (Alteration No.3 Adopted 1995) and Policies GP1, GP3, GP4, GP11, HE2, T4, T13, NE7 and NE8 of the City of York Local Plan Deposit Draft.


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